Гуманитарные ведомости, выпуск 2 (26) 2018.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (26), июнь 2018 г. 140 14. Leonhard J. Translation as cultural transfer and semantic interaction: European variations of liberal between 1800 and 1830 // Why concepts matter: translating social and political thought / M. J. Burke. Leiden : Brill, 2012. P. 93-108. References 1. Daragan, A. M. Yelka: podarok na Rozhdestvo. 10-ye izd., s 120 politipazhami Pletcha, Frelikha i dr. i 8 raskrash. tabl. po ris. G. Pilatti [Christmas tree: gift for Christmas. 10th ed., with 120 policypage of Pletch, Frelich et al., and 8 hand-coloured tables by pictures by G. Pilatti]. Saint-Petersburg: M. O. Volf, qualification. 1874. [Part 1]. 90 p. 2. Evropeus A. K. Novaya russkaya azbuka s kartinkami: sost. po raznym istochnikam A.K. Vladimirovoy [New Russian alphabet with pictures: comp. according to various sources by A. K. Vladimirova]. Saint-Petersburg: publishing house of V. F. Demakov, 1880. 152 p: ill. 3. Zhivopisnaya azbuka s vosemnadtsat'yu gravirovannymi kartinami [i ob"yasnitel'nym tekstom k nim] [Picturesque alphabet with eighteen engraved paintings [and explanatory text to them]]. Moscow: publishing house of Al. Semen, 1862. 30 p. 4. Zabava i pol'za dlya detey. Azbuchka-nezabudochka [Fun and good for children. The ABC-forget-me-not]. Moscow: lit. P. Dushenkov, 1866. 2 lists of iIl. 5. Zanimatel'naya roskoshnaya azbuka-zhemchuzhinka dlya umnen'kikh malyutok [Entertaining luxury alphabet-pearl for clever babies]. [SPb.]: publishing house of A. Melamed,1885. 2 l: Col. Ill. 6. Kleymenova R. N. Knizhnaya Moskva pervoy poloviny XIX veka [Book Moscow in the first half of the 19th century]. Moscow: Nauka, 1991. 237 p.: Il.; ibid. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.eduspb.ru/info/literatura/knigi- besplatno153.html#.WzSVONSLRkg (reference date 28.07.2017) 7. Korf N. A. Nash drug: kniga dlya chteniya v shkole i doma. 10-ye izd. [Our friend: a book to read at school and at home. 10 th ed.] SPb.: printing house of the company «Obshchestvennaya Pol'za», 1882. VIII, 228 p.: ill. 8. Mavrikiy Osipovich Vol'f, put' izdatelya [Mavrikiy Osipovich Volf, publisher's path] [Electronic resource] // Artefakt: site. Kharkiv, 2018. URL: http://artefakt.in.ua/antiquarian-books-articles/item/blog162.html (reference date 28.07.2017) 9. Noveyshaya polnaya rossiyskaya azbuka, soderzhashchaya v sebe: molitvy, zapovedi, kratkuyu svyashchennuyu istoriyu, nravouchitel'nyye basni i tablitsu umnozheniya. 8-ye izd. [The latest full Russian alphabet, containing the prayers, commands, short sacred history, moralizing fables and the multiplication table. 8th ed.] Moscow: I. D. Sytin, 1903. 39 p.: ill. 10. Poyezdka po Yevrope, ili Mishen'kiny kon' i lodka. Ves'ma poleznaya i zanimatel'naya igra dlya detey oboyego pola [A trip across Europe, or Mishenka's horse and boat. Very useful and entertaining game for children of both sexes]. Moscow: D.I. Tregubov, 1847. 186, 16, II p.