Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 3 (23) 2017.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого №3 (23), октябрь 2017 г. 48 12. Sunstein С. R. Laws of Fear: Beyond the Precautionary Principle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. 234 p. 13. Turner R. K. The Place of Economic Values in Environmental Valuation // Valuing Environmental Preferences: Theory and Practice of the Contingent Valuation Method in the US, EU, and Developing Countries / Ed. I. J. Bateman, K. G. Willis. N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1999. P. 17-38. 14. Wallach J. R. Contemporary Aristotelianism // Political Theory. 1992. Vol. 20. № 4. P. 613-641. 15. Wingspread Statement on the Precautionary Principle // Protecting Public Health and the Environment: Implementing the Precautionary Principle / Ed. by C. Raffensperger, J. Tickner. Washington: Island Press, 1999. P. 353-355. 16. Woodward R. T., Bishop R. C. How to Decide When Experts Disagree: Uncertainty-Based Choice Rules in Environmental Policy // Land Economics. 1997. Vol. 73. № 4. P. 492-507. Статья поступила в редакцию 28.06.2017 Статья допущена к публикации 14.09.2017 The article was received by the editorial staff 28.06.2017 The article is approved for publication 14.09.2017