Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 3 (23) 2017.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого №3 (23), октябрь 2017 г. 36 14. O chelovecheskom v cheloveke [On the human in man] / ed. by I. T. Frolov. Moscow: Politizdat, 1991. 384 p. 15. Permyakova T. V. Nravstvennyye osnovaniya zdorov'ya lichnosti [Moral Foundations of Personal Health] // Dukhovno-nravstvennyy mir sovremennogo rossiyskogo obshchestva: problemy formirovaniya i zashchity [Spiritual and moral world of modern Russian society: problems of formation and protection]: proceedings of All-Russian scientific-practical. conf. (Volgograd, March 16, 2009) / Ed. by A. А. Ogarkov. Moscow: Globus, 2009. P. 27-36. 16. Sovremennyy filosofskiy slovar' [Modern Philosophical Dictionary] / Ed. by V. Е. Kemerov. London; Frankfurt am Main; Paris; Luxembourg; Moscow; Minsk: Panprint, 1998. 1064 p. 17. Teilhard de Chardin P. Fenomen cheloveka [The phenomenon of man]. Moscow: Ustoychivyy mir, 2001. 232 p. 18. Trofimova L. I. Dukhovnost' v bytii cheloveka [Spirituality in human being]: avtoref. dis. … kand. filos. nauk: [Abstract of Cand. Dis. ... Cand. Philos. Sciences] 09.00.01. Ivanovo: ISU, 2008. 25 p. 19. Fragmenty rannikh grecheskikh filosofov [Fragments of the early Greek philosophers] / ed. by A. V. Lebedev. Moscow: Nauka, 1989. 420 p. 20. Frankl V. Chelovek v poiskakh smysla [Man's Search for Meaning]. Moscow: Progress, 1990. 368 p. 21. Frank S. L. Nepostizhimoye: ontologicheskoye vvedeniye v filosofiyu religii [The incomprehensible: ontological introduction to the philosophy of religion]. Moscow: Pravda, 1990. 584 p. 22. Khrestomatiya po filosofii [Reader in philosophy]: teaching aid/ comp. А. А. Radugin. Moscow: Center, 1998. 432 p. 23. Shvyrev V. S. O deyatel'nostnom podkhode k istolkovaniyu «fenomena cheloveka» (popytka sovremennoy otsenki) [On the skills and competencies approach to the interpretation of "the phenomenon of man (an attempt of modern evaluation)] // Voprosy filosofii. 2001. No 2. P. 100-140. 24. Shchukin Yu. M. Sushchnost' dukhovnosti, yeye svetskiy i religioznyy varianty [The essence of spirituality, its secular and religious options] // Rossiya na puti k demokratii i ustoychivomu razvitiyu: kharakter obshchestva i yego sposobnost' k modernizatsii [Russia on the way to democracy and sustainable development: character of society and its ability to modernize]: materials of the Intern. sci. conf. (Tula 1-3, April 2003). Tula: Grif and K 0 , 2003. P. 208-212. Статья поступила в редакцию 01.07.2017 Статья допущена к публикации 14.09.2017 The article was received by the editorial staff 01.07.2017 The article is approved for publication 14.09.2017