Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 3 (23) 2017.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого №3 (23), октябрь 2017 г. 35 2. Belinsky V. G. Selected philosophical writings. In 2 vols. Moscow: OGIZ, 1948. Vol. 2. 594 p. 3. Biryukova E. A. Filosofskiye podkhody k issledovaniyu dukhovno- nravstvennoy komponenty vnutrennego mira cheloveka [Philosophical approaches to the study of the spiritual and moral components of the human inner world] // Istoricheskiye, filosofskiye, politicheskiye i yuridicheskiye nauki, kul'turologiya i iskusstvovedeniye. Voprosy teorii i praktiki [Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, culturology and art history. Issues of theory and practice]. Tambov: Gramota, 2013. No. 6. Part 2. Pp. 30-33. 4. Bogoyavlenskaya D. B. Samorealizatsiya kak problema [Self-realization as a problem] // Razvivayushchiysya chelovek v prostranstve kul'tury: psikhologiya gumanitarnogo znaniya [Developing person in the space of culture: psychology of humanitarian knowledge]: abstracts of All-Russian scientific-practical. conf. (Tula, October 26-27, 2004) / ed. by E. Е. Sapogova. Tula: Tula State University, 2004. P. 151-154. 5. Guseynov A. А. Chto zhe my takoye? [What are we?] // Chelovek. 2001. No. 2. P. 5-19. 6. Diogenes of Laertius. O zhizni, ucheniyakh i izrecheniyakh znamenitykh filosofov [Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers] / ed. by A. F. Losev. Moscow: Mysl', 1979. 618 p. (Filosofskoye naslediye [Philosophical heritage]. Vol. 79) 7. Spirituality, artistic creativity, morality ("round table" materials) // Voprosy filosofii. 1996. No. 2. P. 3-40. 8. Istoriya filosofii v kratkom izlozhenii [The history of philosophy in brief] / P. Voshaglikova [and others]. Moscow: Mysl', 1991. 590 p. 9. Lesnova N. V. Dukhovno-nravstvennaya storona vospriyatiya muzyki [The spiritual and moral side of music perception] // Dukhovno-nravstvennyy mir sovremennogo rossiyskogo obshchestva: problemy formirovaniya i zashchity [Spiritual and moral world of modern Russian society: problems of formation and protection]: proceedings of All-Russian scientific-practical. conf. (Volgograd, March 16, 2009) / Ed. by A. А. Ogarkov. Moscow: Globus, 2009. P. 158-175. 10. Losev A. M. Ellinisticheski-rimskaya estetika I-II vv n.e. [Hellenistic- Roman aesthetics of the I-II centuries AD]. Moscow: Izd-vo MGU, 1973. 620 p. 11. Losev A. F., Taho-Godi A. А. Plato. Aristotle. Moscow: Mol. gvardiya, 1993. 415 p. 12. Mayorov G. G. Dukhovno-nravstvennyy mir sovremennogo rossiyskogo obshchestva: problemy formirovaniya i zashchity [Philosophy as the search for the Absolute. Theoretical and historical experiences]. Moscow: Editoreal URSS, 2004. 320 p. 13. Marinchenko A. V. Dukhovnost' i rossiyskiy mentalitet [Spirituality and the Russian mentality] // Dukhovno-nravstvennyy mir sovremennogo rossiyskogo obshchestva: [Spiritual and moral world of modern Russian society: problems of formation and protection]: proceedings of All-Russian scientific-practical. conf. (Volgograd, March 16, 2009) / Ed. by A. А. Ogarkov. Moscow: Globus, 2009. P. 101-112.