Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 3 (23) 2017.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 3 (23), октябрь 2017 г. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCES Arapov A. V., Lobanov S. V. Doctrine of the Universe in the Indian idealistic monism…………………………………..5 Birukova E. A. Development of philosophical research of spiritual and moral human nature………………………...2 1 Prokofyev A. V. Moral foundations of ecological policy : maximization of aggregate utility, improvement of quality of life, and the precautionary principle…………………..37 Valeeva G. V. The problem of good and evil in F. M . Dostoevsky's works……………………………………....49 THEORY AND HISTORY OF CULTURE Gerasimenko I. E. Critical concepts of culture and gende r studies…………………………………………………….55 Shain E. G. The Revolutions of 1917 in Russia and education............................................................................65 Cultural events (news reviews) Valeeva G. V. «Venetian Bauta» in Tula Peterhof……….77 Slobozhanin A. V . On the scientific conference «Aleksey Stepanovich Khomyakov: philosopher, theologian, poet».80 SCHOOL TEXTBOOK AS INFORMATIONAL CULTURE CODE Furtova G. A. «Primer with pictures»: D. I. Tikhomirov's i deas on visual literacy education………………………...82 Information about the authors…………………………92 The rules for submitting, reviewing, and publishing articles in scientific journal ‘Gumanitarnyye vedomost i TGPU im. L. N. Tolstogo’ (In Russian and English)………………………………………………......93 GUMANITARNYYE VEDOMOSTI TGPU im. L. N. Tolstogo The scientific journal Published since 2012. Published 4 times a year Issue 3 (23) October 2017 Released on October 30, 2017 _____________________ Editor in chief – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor E. D. Meleshko Deputy editor – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor V. N. Nazarov Deputy editor – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor V. P. Rimskij Executive editor – Candidate of Philosophy V. A. Slobozhanin Technical editor – Candidate of Philosophy E. G. Martyanova Founder – Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University. Mass media are registered in Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media on March 24, 2017. Registration certificate EL № 77 - 69182 Online ISSN 2304–4772 © TSPU them. L. N. Tolstoy, 2017 © Authors of articles, 2017 __ ____________________ Address of the publisher and the editorial office: 300026, Tula, Lenina Prospekt, 125, Build. 4, room 332. Phone: 8 (4872) 65-74-37. E-mail address: phileo@tsput.ru