Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2 (22) 2017.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (22), июнь 2017 г. 88 5. Large Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. by A. M. Prokhorov. Moscow: The Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1997. 1456p. 6. Efremova T. F. Meaning of the word report [Electronic resource] // New Dictionary of the Russian language. Interpretative and word-building: [site]. URL: www.efremova.info/word/ doklad.html (accessed: 11.01.2017). 7. Zarubezhnyye sotsiologicheskiye teorii dosuga [Foreign sociological theories of leisure] [Electronic resource]//Studopedia: [site]. URL: http ://s tudopedia. r u/ 18_19942_zarubezhnie-sotsiologicheskie-teorii-dosuga. h tml (accessed: 11.01.2017). 8. Inculturation: definition [Electronic resource] // Philosophy. NES - National Philosophical Encyclopedia: [site]. URL: http://terme.ru/termin/inkulturacija.html (accessed: 11.01.2017). 9. Innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies in modern education [Electronic resource]//GenDocs.ru: [site]. URL: http://gendocs.ru/v25688 (accessed: 11.01.2017). 10. Master class as one of the forms of the teacher's self-presentation [Electronic resource] // Social network of educators: [site]. URL: http://nsportal.ru/shkola/administrirovanie-shkoly/library/2012/04/05/master-klass- kak-odna-iz-form-samoprezentatsii (accessed: 20.01.2017). 11. Nazarova Yu. V. Osobennosti prepodavaniya professional'noy etiki budushchim pedagogam: opyt aprobatsii distsipliny «Etika obrazovaniya» [Peculiarities of professional ethics teaching to future teachers: approbation experience of the discipline "Ethics of education" [Electronic resource] // Periodic scientific and methodological e-journal "Koncept." 2015. Vol. 34. Pp. 96-100. URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2015/95702.htm (accessed: 25.01.2017). 12. Novikov A. M. Metodologiya igrovoy aktivnocti [Methodology of game activity]. Moscow: Egves, 2006. 48 p. 13. Novikov A. M., Novikov D. A. Metodologiya [Methodology]. Moscow: Sinteg, 2007. 668 p. 14. Fundamentals of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 [Electronic resource]: Approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2403-r [of November 29, 2014]. URL: https://rg.ru/2014/12/08/molodej-site-dok.html (accessed: 20.01.2017). 15. Pedagogika [Pedagogy]: tutorial / ed. by P.I. Pidkasistyy. Moscow: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998. 640 p. 16. Pedagogicheskiye tekhnologii [Pedagogical technologies]: tutorial / ed. by V. S. Kukushin. Moscow: ICC "MarT", 2004. 336 p. 17. Podlasyy I. P. Obshchiye osnovy. Protsess obucheniya [General principles. Learning process]: Textbook // Pedagogy. New course. In 2 books. Moscow: Vlados, 2002. Book 1. 640 p. 18. Rozhkov M. I. Pedagogicheskoye obespecheniye raboty s molodozh'yu. Yunogogika [Pedagogical support of work with youth. Youthology]: tutorial. Moscow: GITS VLADOS, 2008. 264 p. 19. Rybakova N. V. Dosug molodozhi v kul'turnom prostranstve sovremennogo goroda [Leisure of young people in the cultural space of the modern