Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2 (22) 2017.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (22), июнь 2017 г. 106 3. Danilenko V. P. Leksika yazyka nauki. Terminologiya [Vocabulary of the language of science. Terminology]: avtoref. dis. … d-ra. filos. nauk: [Abstract of Doctor. Dis. ... Doctor of Philosophy] 10.02.01. Moscow, 1977. 41 p. 4. Krestinin V. V. Istoricheskoye izvestiye o nravstvennom vospitanii detey u dvinskikh zhiteley [Historical news of the moral education of children in the Dvina residents] // New monthly essays. St. Petersburg, 1787. Part XVIII (November). Pp. 5-12; (December). Pp. 20-49. 5. Lomonosov M. V. Proyekt reglamenta Akademicheskoy gimnazii. 24 marta – 27 marta 1758 g [Draft regulations of the Academic Gymnasium. March 24 - March 27, 1758] / Selected works. In 2 vols. Moscow: Nauka, 1986. Vol. 2. History. Philology. Poetry. Pp. 413-435. 6. Morozova L. А. Terminoznaniya: osnovy i metody [Terminology: principles and methods]. Moscow: Prometey, 2004. 143 p. 7. The complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 1. In 48 vols. St. Petersburg, 1830. 8. Pososhkov I. T. Zaveshchaniye otecheskoye k synu svoyemu, so nravoucheniyem, za podtverzhdeniyem Bozhestvennykh Pisaniy [Paternal testament to his son, with moral admonition, for confirmation of the Divine Scriptures. St. Petersburg, 1893. 389 p. 9. Metody analiza teksta i diskursa [Methods of text and discourse analysis] / S. Ticher [et al.]. Kharkov: Humanitarian Center, 2009. 356 p. 10. Uchrezhdeniye shkol nizhnikh v gorodakh stolichnykh, gubernskikh, uyezdnykh i v mestechkakh [Establishment of lower schools in the cities of the capital, provincial, district and in small towns]// Materialy dlya istorii uchebnykh reform v Rossii v XVIII – XIX vekakh [Materials for the history of educational reforms in Russia in the XVIII - XIX centuries] / S. V. Rozhdestvenskiy. Saint- Petersburg: Publishing House «Obshchestvennaya pol'za», 1910. Pp. 326-339. 11. Fel'biger I. I. Rukovodstvo uchitelyam pervogo i vtorogo klassa narodnykh uchilishch Rossiyskoy Imperii [Guide for teachers of the first and second class of public schools of the Russian Empire]. Saint-Petersburg: Publishing House of Breitkopf, 1783. 114 p. 12. Chebotarev H. А. Slovo o sposobakh i putyakh, vedushchikh k prosveshcheniyu [Speaking on ways and means leading to enlightenment]. Moscow: Univ. typ., 1779. 28 p. Статья поступила в редакцию – 01.11.2016 г. Статья допущена к публикации – 29.05.2017 г.