Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (21) 2017.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (21), март 2017 г. 32 3. Kramer S. Istoriya nachinayetsya v Shumere [History Begins at Sumer]. Moscow: Nauka, 1965. 257 p. 4. Kniga Yenokha. Apokrify [he Book Of Enoch. Apocrypha] / comp. by V. Rokhmistrov. Saint-Petersburg: Azbuka, 2000. 336 p. 5. Plato. Gosudarstvo [State] // Plato. Coll. op. in 4 vols. Moscow: Mysl', 1990-1994. Vol. 3. 654 p. 6. Kolesov V. V. Drevnyaya Rus': naslediye v slove. [Ancient Russia: heritage in the word. heritage in the word]. In 5 books. Saint-Petersburg: Philologist. Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, 2001. Book 2. Good and evil [Dobro i zlo]. 304 p. 7. Fragmenty rannikh stoikov [Fragments of the early Stoics]. In 3 vol. / trans. and comment. by А. А. Stolyarov. Moscow: Greco-Latin office of Yu. А. Shichalin, 1998-2010. Vol. 1. Zenon i yego ucheniki [Zeno and his disciples]. 252 p. 8. Aristotle. Evdemova etika [The Eudemian Ethics]. Moscow: Direkt-Media, 2010. 448 p. 9. Aristotle. Works. In 4 vols. Moscow: Mysl', 1984. Vol. 4. 830 p. 10. Abelard P. Etika, ili Poznay samogo sebya [Ethics, or Know Yourself] // Teologicheskiye traktaty [Theological treatises]. Moscow: Progress: Gnosis, 1995. P. 247-310. 11. Dante A. Bozhestvennaya komediya [The Divine Comedy] / trans. by M.L. Lozinski. Moscow: Eksmo, 2003. 848 p. 12. Rochefoucauld de La F. Maksimy i moral'nyye razmyshleniya [Maxims and moral reflections] [Electronic resource] // Electronic library Lib.ru . [2014]. URL: http://lib.ru/INOOLD/LAROSHFUKO/larosh1_3.txt (reference date: 12.02.2017). 13. Rochefoucauld de La F./ Bruyère, de La J. Kharaktery, ili nravy nyneshnego veka [Les caractères de Théophraste, traduits du grec avec les caractères ou les moeures de ce siècle; The characters or manners of the age] [Electronic resource] //Books in black and white: [website]. [2013]. URL: http://bwbooks.net/index.php?id1=4&category=filosofiya&author=laroshfuko- f&book=20041&page=1 (reference date: 12.02.2017). 14. Mandeville, B. Basnya o pchelakh, ili Poroki chastnykh lits – blaga dlya obshchestva [The Fable of The Bees: or, Private Vices, Public Benefits]. Moscow: Nauka, 2000. 291 p. 15. Nietzsche F. K genealogii morali [On the Genealogy of Morality] // Works. In 2 vols. Moscow: Mysl', 1990. Vol. 2. 829 p. 16. Scheler M. Resentiment v strukture moraley [Resentment in morals structure]. Saint-Petersburg: Nauka: University Book, 1999. 231 p. 17. Hartmann N. Etika [Ethics]. Saint-Petersburg: Vladimir Dal' 2002. 712 p. Статья поступила в редакцию – 14.09.2016 г. Статья допущена к публикации – 30.01.2017 г.