Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (21) 2017.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (21), март 2017 г. 113 6. Denisenko N. P. Khuan Luis Vives i yego traktat «O vspomoshchestvovanii bednym» [Juan Luis Vives and his treatise «On assistance to the poor»] // Vozrozhdeniye: gumanizm, obrazovaniye, iskusstvo: Interinstit. collect. of articl. Ivanovo: IvSU 1994. P. 127-139. 7. Lorentsson V. N. Vydayushchiysya ispanskiy pedagog-gumanist Khuan Luis Vives (1492-1540) [Outstanding Spanish teacher-humanist Juan Luis Vives (1492- 1540)] // Sovetskaya pedagogika. 1958. No. 8. P. 127-137. 8. Lorentsson V. N. Pedagogicheskiye idei Khuana Luisa Vivesa, progressivnogo ispanskogo pedagoga-gumanista epokhi Vozrozhdeniya [Pedagogical ideas of Juan Luis Vives, a progressive Spanish humanistic teacher of the Renaissance]: Cand. Dis. ... cand. ped. sciences: 13.00.01. Moscow, 1963. 17 p. 9. Men'shikov V. M. Pedagogika Erazma Rotterdamskogo: otkrytiye mira detstva.Pedagogicheskaya sistema Khuana Luisa Vivesa: [Pedagogy of Erasmus of Rotterdam: the discovery of the world of childhood. The pedagogical system of Juan Luis Vives]: tutorial. Moscow: Narodnoye obrazovaniye, 1995. 136 p. 10. Revyakina N.V. O dialogakh Khuana Luisa Vivesa «Praktika latinskogo yazyka» [On the dialogues of Juan Luis Vives «Practice of the Latin language»] [Electronic resource] // Problemy sovremennogo obrazovaniya: e-journal. 2014. No. 6. P. 53-76. URL: http://www.pmedu.ru/index.php/ru/zhurnaly-2014-g/vypusk-6 (reference date: 15.01.2017) 11. Juan Luis Vives. Mif o cheloveke [The myth of the man] // Chasha Germesa. Gumanisticheskaya mysl' epokhi Vozrozhdeniya i germeticheskaya traditsiya [Bowl of Hermes. Humanistic idea of Renaissance and Hermetic Tradition] / comp., aut. introd. art. and comm. by O. F. Kudryavtsev. Moscow: Yurist, 1996. P. 286-294. 12. Juan Luis Vives. O nastavlenii yunoshey [On the instruction of male youth] // Yevropeyskaya pedagogika ot antichnosti do novogo vremeni (issledovaniya i materialy) [European pedagogy from antiquity to modern times (study materials)]: Collect. of scient. works / ed. by V. G. Bezrogov and L. V. Moshkova. In 3 parts. Moscow: Publishing House of ITP and IOI RAS, 1993. Part 3. P. 36-48. 13. Juan Luis Vives. O prichinakh upadka iskusstv [On the causes of the decline of the arts] / transl. and foreword by V. Bibikhin // Estetika Renessansa [Renaissance aesthetics]. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1981. P. 457-471. 14. Erasmus of Rotterdam. Yerazma Roterodamskogo Molodym detyam nauka, kak dolzhno vesti sebya i obkhodit'sya s drugimi; i Ioanna Ludovika Rukovodstvo k mudrosti [The science of Erasmus of Rotterdam to young children, how to behave and treat others; And the Guide to the Wisdom of John Louis] Moscow: Publishing House of Ponomarev, 1788. 162 p. Статья поступила в редакцию – 18.08.2016 г. Статья допущена к публикации – 30.01.2017 г.