Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 4 (20) 2016.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 4 (20), декабрь 2016 г. 55 1. Aristotle. Etika. Politika. Ritorika. Poetika. Kategorii. [Ethics. Politics. Rhetoric. Poetics. Categories]. Minsk: Literatura, 1998. 1386 p. 2. Borges J. L. Proza raznykh let [Prose in different years]: collection / transl., comp. and foreword. by I. Terteryan; comm. by B. Dubin. Moscow: Raduga, 1989. 320 p. 3. Derrida J. Cinema and its ghosts. Interview with J. Derrida [Electronic resource] // Session: site. URL: http : // Seance . ru / the n / 21-22 / retro - avangard - Zhak - Derrida / kino - i - ego of - prizraki / (reference date: 15.11.2016). 4. Lovecraft H. Khrebty bezumiya [At the Mountains of Madness]. Moscow: AST: Hranitel', 2007. 1164 p. 5. Lotman Yu. M. Semiotika kino i problemy kinoestetiki [Semiotics of cinema and film aesthetics challenges] [Electronic resource]. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1973. 63 p. URL: http: //kinofication.ru/b/Lotman_Semiotika_kino.pdf (reference date: 15.11.2016). 6. Teoriya i metodologiya istoricheskoy nauki. Terminologicheskiy slovar' [Theory and methodology of the historical sciences. Terminological dictionary] / Ed. by A. O. Chubarian. Moscow: Aquilon, 2014. 580 p.