Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 4 (20) 2016.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 4 (20), декабрь 2016 г. 22 14. Kalinina G. N. Granitsy nauki i prevrashchennyye formy znaniya [The boundaries of science and transformed forms of knowledge]: monograph. Belgorod: IZD-vo BGIIiK, 2012. 292 p. 15. Kant I. Critique of Pure Reason // Op. In 6 vol. Moscow: Mysl', 1964. Vol. 3. 799 p. 16. Kulikova T. V. Filosofiya «granitsy» [The philosophy of the 'border']: monograph. Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house NSPU, 2009. 192 p. 17. Kulikova T. V. Ekzistentsial'no-antropologicheskiye smysly granitsy [Existential-anthropological meanings of the border] // Vestnik of Lobachevsky University of Nizhni Novgorod. No 3, p. 1. 2010. P. 369-375. 18. Kuhn T. Struktura nauchnykh revolyutsiy [Structure of Scientific Revolutions] / transl. from English. I. А. Naletov. Moscow: Progress, 1975. 288 p. 19. Lakatos I. O programmakh T. Kuna i K. Poppera [About the programs of T. Kuhn and K. Popper] // Ot logicheskogo pozitivizma k postpozitivizmu [From logical positivism to postpositivism]. Moscow: NIIVO-INION, 1993. P. 178-182. 20. Nauka o nauke [Science about science]: coll. art. / transl. from English M. K. Petrov ; Ed. by and afterword by А. N. Stoletov. Moscow: Progress, 1966. 422 p. 21. Popper K. Otkrytoye obshchestvo i yego vragi [The open society and its enemies] Moscow: Mysl, 1992. 334 p. 22. Putnam H. Razum, istina i istoriya [Reason, truth, and history]. Moscow: Praxis, 2002. 296 p. 23. Sagatovskiy V. N. Filosofskiye kategorii [Philosophical categories]. Part 1. Ontology. Author's dictionary. Saint-Petersburg: SPbNIU ITMO, 2011. 127 p. 24. Feyerabend P. Protiv metodologicheskogo prinuzhdeniya? [Against methodological compulsion?] // Ot logicheskogo pozitivizma k postpozitivizmu [From logical positivism to postpositivism]. Moscow: NIIVO-INION, 1993. P. 184- 191. 25. Heidegger M. Vopros o tekhnike [The question of technique] / Time and Being: articles and reports / transl. from German. Moscow: Respublika, 1993. P. 232- 234. 26. Spengler O. Zakat Yevropy [The Decline of the West]. Essays on the morphology of world history. Moscow: Ekspress, 1993. 540 p. 27. Schopenhauer A. Complete edition In 6 vol. Moscow: Yurist, 1999. Vol. 2. 370 p. 28. Jaspers K. Philosophy. Book 1. Filosofskoye oriyentirovaniye v mire [The philosophical orientation in the world] / transl. by A. K. Sudakov. Moscow: Kanon+: ROOI Rebilitatsiya, 2002. 384 p.