Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 4 (20) 2016.

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого № 4 (20), декабрь 2016 г. 102 4. V Tule otkrylas' vystavka Aleksandra Mayorova [Exhibition of Alexander Mayorov opened in Tula] [Electronic resource] // Moskovsky Komsomolets Tula: site. URL: mayorova.html http://tula.mk.ru/articles/2016/11/05/v-tule-otkrylas-vystavka-aleksandra (reference date: 25.11.2016). 5. Mayorov Aleksandr Il'ich − «I vsyak na zemle prokhozhiy…» [Mayorov Alexander Il'ich – 'and everyone is a passer-by on the earth...' [Electronic resource] // Historical and patriotic site of Tula. URL: http://tulamen.ru/publ/6-1-0-75 (reference date: 25.11.2016). 6. Reshetova L. I. Slovo-kartina-dialog v tvorchestve khudozhnika Aleksandra Mayorova [The word-picture-dialogue in the artist Alexander Mayorov's works] [Electronic resource] // Gumanitarnyye vedomosti TGPU im. L. N. Tolstogo. 2014. No 2 (10). P. 77-79. URL: http://www.tsput.ru/fb/hum/2(10) 2014/index.html#76 (reference date: 24.11.2016). 7. Runov Yu. I. Neosimvolizm v sovremennom izobrazitel'nom iskusstve: filosofskoye prochteniye [Neo-symbolism in contemporary art: a philosophical view] [Electronic resource] // Vestnik of Pushkin Leningrad State University . 2008. No. 4 (17). URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/neosimvolizm-v-sovremennom- izobrazitelnom-iskusstve-filosofskoe-prochtenie (reference date: 03.12.2016). 8. Chernyakevich N. Ne sovremennoye iskusstvo marginal'no, a lyudi nevezhestvenny [Not contemporary art is marginal but people are ignorant] [Electronic resource] // Petersburg Avant-Garde: site. URL: http://avangard.rosbalt.ru/interview/nadezhda-chernyakevich-ne-sovremennoe- iskusstvo-marginalno-a-lyudi-nevezhestvenny/ (reference date: 17.12.2016).