Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2 (18) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (18), июнь 2016 г. 89 position taken as the receptacle by the society] [Electronic resource] / N. Sokolov // An international fund of socio-economic and political studies (Gorbachev-fond): site. URL: http://www.gorby.ru/ activity/conference/show_685/view_27417/ (accessed: 01.06.2016). 49. Rodnaya rech' [Native language and speech] [Text] : book for reading in the 2nd form / E. Е. Solov'yeva [et al.]. Moscow, 1967. 247 p. 50. Solomin, V. P. Upravlyayemost' obshchestva i sotsial'nyy poryadok [Manageability of a society and social order] [Text] / V. P. Solomin, К. V. Sultanov // Society. Environment. Development. 2012. No. 3. Pp. 181-186. 51. Tereshkin, N. I. Bukvar' dlya 1 klassa khantyyskiy shkol (surgutskiy dialekt) [ABC book for the 1st form of Khanty schools (Surgut dialect)] [Text] / N. I. Tereshkin, Е. D. Kulinich, M. V. Vengo. The 3rd edition, revised and add. Saint Petersburg: branch of the publishing house «Prosveshcheniye», 2002. 127 p. 52. El'konin, D. B. Bukvar' [ABC book] [Text] / D. B. El'konin. The 2nd edition. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1994. 255 p. 53. Yakimovich, A. Rodnaye slova [Native words] [Text]: kniha dlia chytannia ŭ II klasie pachatkovaj shkolya [book for reading in II year of primary school] / A. Yakimovich. Minsk, 1955. 192 p. 54. Bezrogov, V. Ideal Childhood on the Front Cover: Sovietness, Folkness and Globality in Russian Reading Primer 1980s – 2000s [Text] / V. Bezrogov // Zgodovina otrostva. History of Childhood / ed. A. Skoro Babic et al. Ljubljiana. 2012. Р. 146-162. 55. Bezrogov, V. 'If the war comes tomorrow': patriotic education in the Soviet and Post-Soviet primary school, in: Soviet and Post-Soviet Identities [Text] / ed. by Mark Bassin and Catriona Kelly. Cambridge, 2012. P. 113-128. 56. Caroli, D. New sources for the teaching of history and of the Constitution in the Soviet Union [Text]: textbooks and school exercise books (1945- 1965) / D. Caroli // History od education and children’s literature. 2009. V. IV, № 2. Р. 251-278. 57. Cohan, S. Masked Men. Masculinity and the Movies of the Fifties [Text] / S. Cohan. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1997. 376 р. 58. Donson, A. Youth in the Fathesless Land: War Pedagogy, Nationalism, and Authority in Germany, 1914-1918 [Text] / A. Donson. Cambridge (Ms): Harvard UP, 2010. 344 р. 59. Educational Reform in Post-Soviet Russia: Legacies and prospects [Text] / ed.by B. Eklof, L. E.Holmes and V. Kaplan. L.-N.Y.: Frank Cass, 2005. 368 р. 60. Engelhardt, T. The End of Victory Culture: Cold War America and the Disillusioning of a Generation [Text] / T. Engelhardt. Rev.ed . Amherst: University o Massachusetts Press, 2007. 408 р. 61. Kucherenko, O. ‘That’ll Teach’em to Love Their Motherland!’: Russian Youth Revisit the Battles of World War II [Electronic resource] // The Journal of Power Institutions in Post–Soviet Societies. 2011. № 12. URL: http://pipss.revues.org/3866 (accessed: 01.06.2016)