Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2 (18) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (18), июнь 2016 г. 88 34. Mityushina, L.D. Azbuka: dlya shkol s rodnym (nerusskim) i russkim (nerodnym) yazykom obucheniya 1 klass [ABC book: the 1st form. For the schools with native (non-Russian language) and Russian (non-native) language of training] [Text] / L. D. Mityushina, Е. A. Khamrayeva. Moscow: Drofa, 2008. 159 p. 35. Narskiy, I. V. Konstruirovaniye mifa o grazhdanskoy voyne i osobennosti kollektivnogo zabyvaniya na Urale v 1917-1922 gg [The construction of the myth of the Civil War and features of the collective forgetting in the Ural region during 1917-1922] [Text] / I. V. Нарский // Vek pamyati, pamyat' veka: Opyt obrashcheniya s proshlym v XX stoletii [Age of memory, memory of the age: Experience in dealing with the past in the XX century]. Chelyabinsk, 2004. Pp. 394- 412. 36. Nechaeva, N. V. Azbuka [ABC book] / N.V. Nechaeva, К. S. Belorusets. Samara: Fedorov, 2007. 107 p. 37. Azbuka [ABC book] [Text]: textbook for the 1st form of Tatarstan school / A. Sh. Nurmukhametova [et al.]. Kazan, 2002. 94 p. 38. Panarin, А. S. Narod bez elity [People without elite] [Text] / A. S. Panarin. Moscow, 2006. 350 p. 39. Redozubov, S. P. Bukvar' dlya obucheniya negramotnykh chteniyu i pis'mu [ABC book for training uneducated peорle to read and write] [Text] /S. P. Redozubov. Moscow: Uchpedgis, 1945. 96 p. 40. Redozubov, S. P. Bukvar dlya obucheniya chteniyu i pis'mu [ABC book for training to read and write] [Text] / S. P. Redozubov. The 2nd edition. Moscow: Uchpedgis, 1946. 96 p. 41. Redozubov, S. P. Bukvar dlya obucheniya chteniyu i pis'mu [ABC book for training to read and write] [Text] / S. P. Redozubov. The 4th edition, revised. Moscow: Uchpedgis, 1949. 96 p. 42. Redozubov, S. P. Bukvar dlya shkol sel'skoy molodezhi [ABC book for rural youth schools] [Text] / S. P. Redozubov. Moscow: Uchpedgis, 1945. 128 p. 43. Redozubov, S. P. Bukvar [ABC book] [Text] / S. P. Redozubov. The 7th edition. Moscow: Uchpedgis, 1952. 96 p. 44. Bukvar [ABC book] [Text] / S. P. Redozubov [et al]. The 11th edition. Moscow: Uchpedgis, 1965. 96 p. 45. Rovnyy, B. I. Instrumenty issledovaniya kollektivnoy pamyati: vozmozhnosti i iskusheniya [Collective memory research tools: opportunities and temptations [Text] / B. I. Rovnyy // Vek pamyati, pamyat' veka: Opyt obrashcheniya s proshlym v XX stoletii [Age of memory, memory of the age: Experience in dealing with the past in the XX century]. Chelyabinsk, 2004. Pp. 38-49. 46. Samoylenko, V. V. Dukhovnyy potentsial Velikoy Pobedy i yego znacheniye v obrazovatel'nom protsesse sovremennoy Rossii [The spiritual potential of the Great Victory and its importance in the educationalprocess of modern Russia] [Text] / V. V. Samoylenko // Sociology of education. 2007. No. 4. Pp. 33-39. 47. Sivko, N. I. Bukvar' [ABC book] [Text] / N. I. Sivko. The 10th edition, revised and add. Minsk: BSSR Uchpedgiz, 1954, (Bel. lang.). 128 p. 48. Sokolov, Н. Shkol'nyy uchebnik kak vmestilishche prinyatoy v obshchestve istoricheskoy pozitsii [School textbook as a container for historical