Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2 (18) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (18), июнь 2016 г. 86 4. Bednyakov, A. S. Bukvar [ABC book] [Text]: textbook of the Russian language for the 1st form ofGorno-Altaysk schools / А. S. Bednyakov, P. I. Chevalkov. Gorno-Altaysk: Kn. izd-vo publ, 1954. 190 p. 5. Bezrogov, V. G. Deti i Rodina v sovremennom rossiyskom uchebnike dlya nachal'noy shkoly [Children and Homeland in modern Russian textbooks for primary schools] [Text] / V. G. Bezrogov // Beresten'. Al'manakh. Velikiy Novgorod, 2009. Pp. 8-16. 6. Beten'kova, N. M. Azbuka [ABC book] [Text]: textbook for the 1st form of general educational institutions. In 2 parts / N. M. Beten'kova, V. G. Goretskiy, D. S. Fonin. The 3rd edition. Moscow: Moskovskiye uchebniki – Assotsiatsiya XXI vek, 2006 (copyright 2004). Part 1. 112 p.; 7. Buneyev, R. N. V odnom schastlivom detstve [In a happy childhood] [Text]: book for reading in the 3rd form / R. N. Buneyev, Е. V. Buneyeva. Moscow, 2001. Part 2. 213 p. 8. Vishnyakova, M. K. Mokshen' Bukvar' [ABC book. The 1st form] [Text]: textbook for general aducational insttitutions / M.K. Vishnyakova, T. K. Kostina. Saransk: Mord. kn. izd-vas', 2011. 95 p. 9. Volkov, M. K. Azbuka [ABC book] [Text]: For the 1st form of Chuvash school / M. K. Volkov. The 5th edition, revised. Cheboksary: Kn. izd-vo publ, 2001. 94 p. 10. Voskresenskaya, А. I. Bukvar [ABC book] [Text] / A. I. Voskresenskaya. The 11th edition. Moscow: Uchpedgis, 1954. 96 p. 11. Voskresenskaya, А. I. Bukvar [ABC book] [Text] / A. I. Voskresenskaya. The 12th edition. Moscow: Uchpedgis, 1955. 96 p. 12. Voskresenskaya, А. I. Bukvar [ABC book] [Text] / A. I. Voskresenskaya. The 8th edition. Moscow: Uchpedgis, 1951. 96 p. 13. Nashe russkoye slovo. 2 klass [Our Russian word. The 2nd form] [Text]. In 2 parts / M. V. Golovanova [et al.]. Saint Petersburg, 1996. Part 1. 158 p.; Part 2. 223 p. 14. Russkaya azbuka [Russian ABC book] [Text]: textbook for the 1st form / V. G. Goretskiy [et al.]. The 9th edition. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 2006. 239 p. 15. Azbuka [ABC book] [Text] / V. G. Goretskiy [et al.]. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1989. 191 p. 16. Azbuka [ABC book] [Text]: textbook for the 1st form of four-year primary school / V. G. Goretskiy [et al.]. the 8th edition. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1993. 191 p. 17. Bukvar [ABC book] [Text] / V. G. Goretskiy [et al.]. The 18th edition. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1998. 126 p. 18. Bukvar [ABC book] [Text] / V. G. Goretskiy [et al.]. The 4th edition. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1984. 128 p. 19. Bukvar [ABC book] [Text] / V. G. Goretskiy [et al.]. The 7th edition. Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1987. 127 p. 20. Rodnaya rech' [Native language and speech] [Text] : book for reading: the 2nd form / V. G. Goretskiy [et al.]. Moscow, 1983. 334 p.