Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2 (18) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (18), июнь 2016 г. 28 culture] [Text]: monograph / U. V. Nazarova. Tula: Izd-vo Tul. gos. ped. un-ta im. L.N. Tolstogo, 2013. 223 p. 10. Osnovy sotsial'no-psikhologicheskoy teorii [Basics of a social and psychological theory] [Text]: teaching aid for sociologists, psychologists, teachers, and students / ed. by A. A. Bodalev, А. N. Sukhov. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnaya pedagogicheskaya akademiya [International pedagogical academy], 1995. 421 p. 11. Parygin, B. D. Sotsial'naya psikhologiya kak nauka [Social psychology as science] [Text] / B. D. Parygin. The 2nd edition, cor., and add. Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1967. 261 p . 12. Profilaktika deviantnogo povedeniya [Prevention of deviant behavior] [Electronic resource] // StudopediYA: site. URL: http://studopedia.ru/2_108264_ profilaktika-deviantnogo-povedeniya.html (accessed: 08.11.2015) 13. Profilaktika i korrektsiya deviantnogo povedeniya podrostkov kak sotsial'no–pedagogicheskaya problema [Prevention and adjustment of deviant behaviour of adolescents as a social and pedagogical problem] [Electronic resource]: graduation qualifying paper on a discipline as «Adjustment and special pedagogics» // REF.RU: united abstracts bank of Russia and the CIS: site. Tot'ma, 2008. URL: http://referatwork.ru/refs/source/ref–4888.html (accessed: 08.11.2015). 14. Rozhkov, M. I. Pedagogicheskoye obespecheniye raboty s molodozh'yu [Pedagogical maintenance of work with youth]. Yunogogika [Youthogogics] [Text]: Teaching aid for university students learning on spec. «Organization of work with youth» /M. I. Rozhkov. Moscow: VLADOS, 2008. 264 p. 15. Collste, G. Applied and Professional Ethics – an Introduction [Text] / G. Collste. // KEMANUSIAAN. 2012. Vol. 19, № 1. P. 22–38. 16. Perspectives on Applied Ethics / Ed. Göran Collste ; [Centre for Applied Ethics]. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2007. 109 p.