Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2 (18) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (18), июнь 2016 г. 20 resource] / O. V. Solopov // Periodic scientific and methodological e-journal «Koncept». 2015. Vol. 34. Pp 106-110. URL: http://e–koncept.ru/2015/95704.htm (accessed: 20.01.2016). 8. Chesnova, E. N. Osobennosti razrabotki i aprobatsii distsipliny «Religioznaya kul'tura i mezhkonfessional'nyy dialog v obrazovanii» dlya studentov nepedagogicheskikh napravleniy podgotovki, obuchayushchikhsya po novym modulyam ukrupnennoy gruppy spetsial'nostey «Obrazovaniye i pedagogika» [Features of the development and testing of the discipline «Religious culture and interfaith dialogue in education» for students of non-teaching fields of training, studying on the new modules of enlarged group of specialties "Education and Pedagogy"] [Electronic resource] / E. N. Chesnova // Periodic scientific and methodological e-journal «Koncept». 2015. Vol. 34. Pp. 86–90. URL: http://e– koncept.ru/2015/95700.htm (accessed: 20.01.2016). 9. Chesnova, Е. N. Religiovedcheskoye i eticheskoye obrazovaniye kak faktor razvitiya grazhdanskogo obshchestva v Tul'skom regione [Religious studies and ethics education as a factor of development of the civil society in the Tula region] [Electronic resource] / Е. N. Chesnova // Issledovatel'skiy potentsial molodykh uchenykh: Vzglyad v budushcheye: sb. materialov XII Region. nauchn.- prakt. konf. aspirantov, soiskateley, molodykh uchenykh i magistrantov. Elektron. data. Tula: Izd-vo Tul. gos. ped. un-ta im. L.N. Tolstogo, 2016. 1 electr. opt. disk (CD-ROM). System requirements: Intel Celeron 1700 Mhz or higher, 128 MB RAM, 300 MB hard drive, operating system Microsoft Windows XP, Vista; CD- ROM drive 2 or higher, SVGA 64 Mb; mouse. Disk label title. Pp. 283-290. 10. Legal definition in Russia [Electronic resource] // Ekstremizm.ru: site. 2010-2016. Screen title. URL: http://www.ekstremizm.ru/baza-znaniy/item/20- uridicheskoe-opredelenie (accessed: 07.04.2016).