Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2 (18) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 2 (18), июнь 2016 г. 19 http://www.ekstremizm.ru/baza-znaniy/item/20-uridicheskoe-opredelenie (дата обращения: 07.04.2016 г.) Bibliography 1. Akhromeyeva, Yu. V. Sotsiokul'turnyye osnovy religioznogo ekstremizma [Social and cultural foundations of religious extremism] [Text]: avtoref. dis. … kand. filos. nauk: [Abstract of Cand. Dis. ... Cand. Philos. Sciences] 09.00.13/Akhromeyeva Yulia Vasilyevna. Voronezh, 2009. 19 p. 2. Martyanova (Yakimova), Ye. G. Metodika prepodavaniya kursa «Etika obrazovaniya i vospitaniya» bakalavram nepedagogicheskikh napravleniy podgotovki, motivirovannykh k pedagogicheskoy deyatel'nosti [Methodology of teaching of the course «Ethics of education and up-bringing» for bachelors of non- pedagogical foci of training motivated to pedagogical activity] [Electronic resource] / Е. G. Martyanova (Yakimova) // Periodic scientific and methodological e-journal «Koncept». 2015. Vol. 34. Pp 116-120. URL: http://e–koncept.ru/2015/95706.htm (accessed: 20.01.2016). 3. Meleshko, E. D. Ideya religiozno-filosofskogo krayevedeniya kak kul'turnyy i obrazovatel'nyy proyekt [Idea of religious and philosophical regional studies as a culture and education project] [Text] / E. D. Meleshko, V. N. Nazarov // Rol' universitetov v podderzhke gumanitarnykh nauchnykh issledovaniy: materialy V Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [The role of universities in support of humanitarian research: Materials of V International scientific and practical conference]. In 2 vol. / ed. by O. G. Vronskiy. Tula: Izd-vo Tul. gos. ped un-ta im. L. N. Tolstogo publ., 2010. Vol. 2. Pp. 26-31. 4. Nazarova, U. V. Osobennosti prepodavaniya professional'noy etiki budushchim pedagogam: opyt aprobatsii distsipliny «Etika obrazovaniya» Peculiarities of teaching of professional ethics to future teachers: experience of the discipline validation «Ethics of Education» [Electronic resource] / U. V. Nazarova // Periodic scientific and methodological e-journal «Koncept». 2015. Vol. 34. Pp 96- 100. URL: http://e–koncept.ru/2015/95702.htm (accessed: 20.01.2016). 5. The Russian Federation. Laws. Of implementing the amendment of the Federal Law «Of counteraction to extremist activity» [Electronic resource]: the Federal Law of 25.07.2002 No. 114-FZ: Version of 23.11.2015. // GARANT system. URL: http://www.garant.ru/ products/i po/ prime/doc/71153654/#ixzz4AnCWP232 (accessed: 07.04.2016) 6. Rimskiy, А. V. Kul'turno-ekzistentsial'nyye transformatsii religioznogo ekstremizma [Cultural and existential transformations of religious extremism] [Text]: dis. … kand. filos. nauk: [Cand. Dis. ... Cand. Philos. Sciences] 09.00.14 / Rimskiy Alexey Viktorovich. Belgorod, 2012. 159 p. 7. Solopov, O. V. Problemy etiki obrazovaniya v soderzhanii distsiplin po vyboru v ramkakh aprobatsii novykh moduley osnovnoy obrazovatel'noy programmy bakalavriata po ukrupnennoy gruppe spetsial'nostey «Obrazovaniye i pedagogika» [Problems of ethics of education in the content of elective courses within the validation of new undergraduate modules of the basic educational program on the integrated specialty group «Education and Pedagogy»] [Electronic