Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (17) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(17), февраль 2016 г . 77 Bibliography 1. Spisok opublikovannykh trudov Larisy Nikolayevny Khutorskoy [List of published works of Larisa Nikolayevna Khutorskaya] [Electronic resource] // A. V. Khutorskoy: personal web-site. 1997-2016. Screen title. URL: http://khutorskoy.ru/khutorskaya/biblio/ (accessed date: 22.12.2015 г .) 2. Khutorskaya, L. N. Ispol'zovaniye dopolnitel'noy literatury v protsesse obucheniya fizike [Using additional literature in teaching physics] [Text] / L. N. Khutorskaya // Tezisy dokladov na XIII nauchnoy konferentsii [Abstracts of the XIII scientific conference]. Kaluga, 1966. 3. Khutorskaya, L. N. Iz opyta provedeniya fizicheskikh vecherov na fiziko- matematicheskom fakul'tete pedinstituta im. K. E. Tsiolkovskogo [Of the experience of physical evenings on the physico-mathematical faculty of the Pedagogical Institute named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky] [Text] / L. N. Khutorskaya // Tezisy 14-y nauchnoy konferentsii [Abstracts of the 14th scientific conference]. Kaluga, 1967. 4. Khutorskaya, L. N. Ispol'zovaniye dopolnitel'noy literatury v protsesse obucheniya fizike [Using additional literature in teaching physics] [Text]: avtoref. dis. ... kand. ped. nauk po metodike prepodavaniya fiziki [Abstract of Cand. Dis. ... Cand. Ped. Science on physics teaching methodology] / Khutorskaya Larisa Nikolayevna. Moscow, 1970. 20 p. 5. Khutorskaya, L. N. Mechta i kosmos: ispol'zovaniye nauchno- fantasticheskikh proizvedeniy K. E. Tsiolkovskogo v kurse fiziki sredney shkoly [Dream and space: the use of science fiction works of Tsiolkovsky in the course of high school physics] [Text] / L. N. Khutorskaya. Tula: Priok. kn. izd-vo, 1975. 112 p. 6. Khutorskaya, L. N. Khutorskaya, Larisa Nikolayevna [Electronic resource] // Fantastika 3000: illyustrirovannaya entsiklopediya. 2005-2013. Screen title. URL: http://fantastika3000.ru/critics/h/hutorska.l/hutorska.htm (accessed date: 22.12.2015 г .) 7. Khutorskoy, A. V. Izucheniye fundamental'nykh fizicheskikh konstant v srednikh professional'no-tekhnicheskikh uchilishchakh [The study of fundamental physical constants in the secondary vocational and technical schools] [Text] / A.V. Khutorskoy. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1985. 24 p. 8. Khutorskaya, L. N. Ob ispol'zovanii dopolnitel'noy literatury po fizike [The use of additional literature on physics] [Text] / L. N. Khutorskaya // Vechernyaya srednyaya shkola. 1968. No 3. 9. Khutorskaya, L. N. Propedevtika cherez nauchno-populyarnuyu literaturu [Propaedeutics through scientific and popular literature] [Text] / L. N. Khutorskaya // Biologiya v shkole. 1969. No 3. 10. Khutorskaya, L. N. Pedagogicheskiye trebovaniya k soderzhaniyu nauchno-populyarnoy literatury po fizike [Pedagogical requirements for the content of popular science literature on physics] [Text] / L. N. Khutorskaya // Uchenyye zapiski. Vol. 280. Metodika prepodavaniya fiziki. Moscow: MOPI im. N.K. Krupskoy, 1970. Issue 5. P. 92-102.