Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (17) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1(17) , феврал ь 2016 г. наук Толстого», Тула, Россия 28 Фокин Владимир Андреевич Доктор педагогических наук Профессор ФГБО У ВПО «ТГП У им . Л.Н . Толстого», Тула, Россия Профессор. A LIS T OF THE EDITORIA L BOAR D AND BOAR D OF SCIENTIFI C PUBLICATION "GUMANITARNY E VED0M0STITGPDIM . L.N . T0LST0G0 " № Surname , name , patronymi c Academi c degre e Academi c title Plac e of employmen t Pos t Editoria l team 1 Meleshk o Elen a Dmitrievn a Docto r of philosoph y Professo r TSPU,Tula, Russia. Head of the Department , Chie f Editor . 2 Nazarov Vladimi r Nikolaevich Docto r of philosoph y Professo r TSPU,Tula, Russia. Professo r Consultant , deput y chie f edito r 3 Slobozhani n Alekse j Vyacheslavovic h Ph.D. TSPU,Tula, Russia. Associat e Professor , executiv e editor . 4 Martyanov a Elen a Georgievn a Ph.D. TSPU,Tula, Russia. Senio r lecturer , technica l editor . The Editoria l Boar d 1 Panin Vladimir Alekseevic h Docto r of Physica l and Mathematica l Science s Professo r TSPU, Tula, Russia . Rector , Chairma n of the editoria l Board . 2 Arinin Evgenij Igorevic h Docto r of philosoph y Professo r VISU, Vladimir, Russia . Head of the Departmen t 3 Bubnov YUrij Aleksandrovic h Docto r of philosoph y Professo r VSU, Voronezh, Russia . Prorector , dean , Head of the Department . 4 Varava Vladimir Vladimirovich Docto r of philosoph y Professo r VSU, Voronezh, Russia . Professo r 5 Vensa n Yube r Docto r of philosoph y Professo r Universit y of Rouen , Rouen , the Frenc h Republic . Professo r 6 D'yakov a Tamar a Aleksandrovn a Docto r of Cultura l Studie s Associat e Professo r VSU, Voronezh, Russia . Professo r 7 Zolkin Andrej L'vovich Docto r of philosoph y Associat e Professo r Mosco w Universit y of The Ministr y of Interna l Affair s of Russia n Federation , Moscow , Russi a Professo r 8 Lopuhin a Rais a Vasil'evna Docto r of Philolog y Professo r TSPU, Tula, Russia . Head of the Departmen t 9 Meleshk o Elen a Dmitrievn a Docto r of philosoph y Professo r TSPU, Tula, Russia . Head of the Departmen t 10 Nazarov Vladimi r Nikolaevich Docto r of philosoph y Professo r TSPU, Tula, Russia . Professo r Consultant . 11 Ovchinnikov a Galina Vital'evna Docto r of Philolog y Professo r MRSU, Moscow, Russi a Professo r 12 Orlo v Aleksand r Andreevich . Docto r of Educatio n Professo r TSPU, Tula, Head of the Departmen t