Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (17) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(17), февраль 2016 г . 145 made to an article in the review (Attachment 2). If the notes made by a reviewer are removable, the article is sent to the author for revisions. The editorial office of the journal reserves the right to refuse to publish the author's work who wished to leave a reviewer's comments without attention. 2.5.5. The reviewers must consider an article directed to them in the set terms and send the complete review or substantiated refusal to review with reasons given to the editorial office by email or in a proper way. 2.5.6. The terms of reviewing in each case are determined with consideration for the creation of conditions for quick publication of an article, but for not more than 20 days after the moment of receiving of an application for publication by an editorial office of the journal. The term can be increased in case of necessity of additional reviewing and/or temporary absence of a sectional reviewer. 2.5.7. The editorial office of the journal recommends the reviewers to use a standard form of review (Attachment 2). 2.5.8. Based on the results of review, the reviewer present one of the following decisions for consideration by the editorial board of the journal: − to recommend the article for publication; − to recommend the article for publication after the refinement/revisions done; − not to recommend the article for publication. 2.5.9. If the reviewer recommends an article for publication after implementing corrections or does not recommend an article for publication, the review must specify the particular reasons of such a decision with a clear formulation of informative and/or technical deficiencies revealed in a manuscript with indication of particular pages if it is necessary. The reviewer's remarks and wishes must be objective and principled, aimed at increase of scientific and methodological level of a manuscript. 2.5.10. The originals of reviews are stored in the editorial office of the journal during 3 years. According to the requests of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science), the reviews are given in an obligatory way to the Highest certification Commission and/or Ministry of Education and Science. 2.5.11. To publish articles of graduate students, postgraduates, and claimants of the academic degree of a candidate of sciences, the editorial board of the journal has the right to demand comments of a supervisor in addition to the above- mentioned reviews, which does not exclude a usual procedure of reviewing. 2.6. Decision on publication: 2.6.1. After receiving reviews at the regular meeting of the editorial board, the matter on received articles is considered and a final decision on publication of an article or the refusal to publish is taken on basis of reviewers reports. The decision of the editorial board is taken by the simple majority of votes (the members of the editorial board who can not be present in a meeting receive all necessary materials a day before a session of the editorial board from the editorial board and can vote in absentia). At an equality of votes, the chief editor's vote is decisive. The quorum for