Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (17) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(17), февраль 2016 г . 143 Rules of submission, reviewing, and publication of scientific articles in the ‘Gumanitarnye vedomosti TGPU im. L.N.Tolstogo’ journal The current "Rules of submission, reviewing, and publication of scientific articles in the ‘Gumanitarnye vedomosti TGPU im. L.N.Tolstogo’ journal" (hereinafter, the Rules) defines an order and procedure of submission, reviewing, and publication of scientific articles in the scientific journal ‘Gumanitarnye vedomosti TGPU im. L.N.Tolstogo’. Responsibility on the observance of the Rules and "Requirements for Manuscripts of articles for publication in the scientific periodical network edition ‘Gumanitarnye vedomosti TGPU im. L.N. Tolstogo’" (hereinafter, the Requirement) lies on a chief editor of the journal. The responsible editor of the journal exercises current control over compliance with the requirements provided for by the above-mentioned documents. 1. The rules of submission 1.1. The manuscript of an article must be designed in accordance with the Requirements. 1.2. The manuscript of an article submitted for publication must be a finished research study and contain new scientific results. The articles of review, biographical, promotional character, the reviews on the scientific monographs are being written, as a rule, on an order of the editorial board of the edition and registered in form specified by the editorial board. 1.3. Total volume of a manuscript of an article must be 0.4-1.5 printer's sheet 1.4. The manuscript of an article and the application (the sample of an application is placed on the magazine site http://tsput.ru/journals/detail.php?ID=21957 ) are sent to the editorial office by email to an address: phileo@tspu.tula.ru or they are provided through a scientific publication submission system of "Portal of TSPU scientific journals" http://tsput.ru/journals/. The source files of illustrations can be enclosed to the article, if necessary, in one of the formats: JPEG, TIFF, and BMP (each illustration must be recorded in a separate file). 2 . Rules of reviewing 2.1.The current part of the Rules defines an order and a procedure of review of author's originals of articles (manuscripts) that were sent to the journal editing office. ‘Gumanitarnye vedomosti TGPU im. L.N.Tolstogo’ journal" (hereinafter, the journal). 2.2.Editorial board of the journal organizes and implements articles reviewing in order to provide and maintain high scientific and theoretical level of the edition and to select the most valuable and topical (advanced) scientific papers. It is carried out by the corps of reviewers, including the editorial board members.