Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (17) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(17), февраль 2016 г . 113 see and accept the socially acceptable norms of behavior and the relationship between the native people; build for themselves a hierarchy of status, processes and phenomena; work out in the field of their own value systems; create relevant and realistic expectations; acquire the culture of family relations. In the mentioned primers, family is represented positively, and can serve as a model and material for working with children from problem families. But note that in the primers the image of the family is significantly mythologizing and archaic. A number of important aspects are not reflected in modern Russian textbooks for primary schools. What is evident crisis of the family as a social institution; is there an alternative to it; what is it in the Christian understanding of the family; how to relate to children's rights and the rights of parents to children; whether «defensive right» family in relation to the requirements of the hypertrophied state these and many other questions are particularly acute when dealing with children, but these moments adult working with the child can and must be supplemented by himself. In conclusion, let us say that a monograph «Die Familie im Schulbuch» by N. B. Streithofen contains very informative and interesting list of «criteria for defining the notion of family in school textbooks» ( Kriterien für die Beurteilung der Familie in Schulbüchern ). [12, p. 139-141] It touched an extremely relevant and the most problematic topics of family relationships in the modern primers. This list can serve as a basis for social work in this direction. Bibliography 1. Agarkova, N. G. Uchebnik po obucheniju gramote i chteniju [Text]: Azbuka: 1 klass [Textbook literacy and reading: ABC 1 year] / N. G. Agarkova. Moscow: Akademkniga / Uchebnik publ, 2011.128 p. 2. Barannikova, N. B. et al. Nasledie sovetskoj kul'tury v uchebnike po chteniju 1990-h gg. [The legacy of Soviet culture in the textbook reading 1990s] in «I sprosila kroha…» Obraz rebenka i sem'i v pedagogike postsovetskoj Rossii: uchebniki po slovesnosti dlja nachal'noj shkoly 1985-2006 gg [Text] / N. B. Barannikova. Moscow-Tver : ITIP RAO publ, 2010. P. 58-143. 3. Bezrogov, V. G. «Naiprostaja knizhica dlja nachalki» – mesto vstrechi obrazovanija i kul'tury [The simple book for primary schools] in «I sprosila kroha…» Obraz rebenka i sem'i v pedagogike postsovetskoj Rossii: uchebniki po slovesnosti dlja nachal'noj shkoly 1985-2006 gg. [Text] / V. G. Bezrogov. Moscow-Tver: ITIP RAO publ, 2010. P. 4-6. 4. Beten'kova, N. M. Azbuka: Dlja 1-go kl. chetyrjohlet. nach. shk. [ABC for the 1st year of primary school] [Text] / N. M. Beten'kova. Smolensk: Associacija XXI vek publ. ch.1., 2004. 112 p. 5. Goreckij, V. A. Bukvar' [Text]: uchebnik dlja 1 klassa trehletnej nach. shkoly [Primer for for the 1st year of primary school] / V. A. Goreckij. Moscow: Prosveshhenie publ, 1998. 127 p. 6. Zhurova, L. E. Bukvar' [Text]: 1 klass [Primer: 1st year], uchebnik dlja uchashhihsja obshheobrazovatel'nyh uchrezhdenij: v 2 ch. / L. E. Zhurova. Moscow: Ventana-Graf publ, 2009. 128 p.