Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (17) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(17), февраль 2016 г . 112 Fig.6. V.Goretskij, p. 160 It seems telling that only one type of conflict is presented a dispute over the possession of general things. The model resolution of the situation is proposed also the same to delete the object of strife. Only two analyzed benefits demonstrate another variant behavior, and suggested another way to resolve the conflict compromise. [5, p. 118-119; 11, p. 204] We emphasize that any arise conflicts «higher power» permits parents or other adults. Their authority is indisputable. However, the analyzed alphabets and primers show the children that the family conflicts occur only between brothers and sisters. Quarrels between parents and children, moms and dads with each other or with other relatives are not bear on the pages of the textbooks. And indeed heroes of textbooks for primary school, it seems, have no life troubles and serious problems. But in real life, complex situations await the child at every turn, and here, unfortunately, primer is not an assistant. Of course, this tradition of the presentation absolutely cloudless «happy childhood» is a legacy of the Soviet era textbooks, and it still has not been overcome. Of course, we see the characters in any adverse circumstances an unexpected rain, high nettles, broken toys, a pain, fight, etc. but this is not a serious problem. The existential problems of modern Russian primer does not discuss with the children. Suffering person is not displayed. We know that the European practice is another, and in this aspect a primer can be used too. Note that in the Russian primers the texts and illustrations connected with the Orthodox spiritual culture return gradually. But in our country as long as this theme is unusual and not directly linked with the theme of «family». Ideally, the visual language of the first school books adult world is trying to tell the child , about « the universe of his existence», and just the way it wants to , «... the child perceived it, live into it and interacted with it» [3, p. 4]. If we are talking about «part of the universe», which is called «the family», in the book the child must