Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (17) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(17), февраль 2016 г . 110 Fig.4. N.Agarkova, p. 88 Now let us turn to the practice of representation a popular plot «children and profession of their parents» in the Russian primers. These texts and illustrations have a rather informative nature profession are here such… Emotional involvement of children is not expected. Of course, for the interaction with the child is not enough just listing the father is a carpenters, or a tractor drivers, a construction worker, a cooker, the mothers is a teacher, a doctors, a seamstress, etc. It is necessary to talk with the child about the features and complexities of parents occupations what they are busy at work, why they get tired, how to help them, etc. Next, consider a large block of the illustrations, which refers to the relationship within the family. Here are a few aspects. The first of them the parents care for the children. Plots show us as parents usually the mother wash, feed, clothe, lull the children. There are paintings of care older brothers and sisters for the baby and for the elderly. [5, 9, 11, etc.] An interesting and revealing plot is placed in the primer by L. Klimanova a series of paintings under the title «One day the mother has gone ...» [8, p. 7] (fig. 5) The older sister is trying to soothe a crying baby, consistently offering him a rattle, a bottle of milk, a toy - Pinocchio. But the child stops crying and starts smiling only when she takes him in her arms. Question from the author of «What should have been the kid?», of course, pushes to the answer human warmth, kindness, attention. The same manual posted stories, more complex in content, addresses the difficult situation of moral choice. We see how the older brother secretly pours collected mushrooms into the basket of his little sister, the next picture she proudly giving the full basket to her mother, while all the heroes of the story are smiling happily.