Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (17) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(17), февраль 2016 г . 109 In N. Nechayev primer the shopping scene is quite different here the child is included in the dialogue, she was allowed to speak with adults and have her own opinion: Mom: Be kind enough to show us the blouse for the 6 years girls. Seller: Here you are. Girl: And if you have any pants size smaller? [9, p. 29] Quest to the image also pushes for independence: Choose a name for this shop: a versatile, fancy goods, perfumes, clothing, household. Prove your choice. What stores do you even know? We emphasize that in this image the child accurately and clearly «belong» to its time the girl are in trousers and shirt with a backpack, roller skating (in the store!), in the knee and a helmet. This girl belongs to the «new time» she would not wait passively for «favors» from the adult world, she is safe to enter this world of interaction and ready to defend her positions. (fig. 3) Fig.3. N. Nechaeva, p. 29 The most friendly family for a common cause, we have found in the manual by N. Agarkova. [1, p. 88] (fig. 4) Quite lengthy text is accompanied by detailed illustrations: mother hanging wash clothes, grandmother bakes pancakes, daughter wipes the window, grandfather washes a wooden tub, father whittle, son raking fallen leaves. The story is on behalf of a boy and it ends so: I have no times to play with my friends because my whole family works. Figure givs situation, rather typical for the rural way of life (although in this text it does not directly), and «sends» the spectator to the times of the patriarchal family, which almost does not occur today. Authors and illustrators of primers wittingly or unwittingly is transferred to a textbooks their own representations about family and childhood. And sometimes they late in the entire era. [2, p. 58-134] Anyone who works with the child over the primer, it should be borne in mind and adjust.