Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (17) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(17), февраль 2016 г . 108 Note that the illustrations have roughly equal plots where spend leisure time with your child both or one parent, but the mother, as a rule, play with children, and the father engaged in their intellectual development. [7, p. 124, 134] Analysis of illustrative series in Russian textbooks allows us to conclude that the position of the parents during the holidays with children can be labeled more as mentoring. This is not a personal contact loved ones, not emotional «space itself», but always a social space in which the task of parents to ensure the safety of children, provide them with necessary information, instill useful skills. It is necessary to take into account the social worker. For our context the stories and illustrations are important, in which parents and children are engaged in some joint useful. Sometimes we see children alone do housework clean, wash dishes, feed the animals, working in the garden. [11, p. 230; 5, p. 39,95] Not with their parents, as it were for them. This demonstrates a real but sad model of family behavior «not together». Topics of joint work of children and parents are represented in textbooks by L. Zhurova (father and son make the shelf), by T. Andrianova (daughter helps your dad saw wood) by V. Goretsky (father and three children harvest of apples, mother and son lay on the table; father and two sons cleans the room, Dad with children make birdhouse, etc.) Interestingly, characters and social roles are changing and alternating: a boy setting the table, a girl holding nails, etc. However, this alternation is characteristic just for children adults clearly adhere to the traditional division into male and female chores. The authors of manuals ask pupils to make up a story on the picture. There is a plot, where children and parents and make purchases. In the Goretsky primer the father buys children stationery. It is the «one-way », « adult» process this text tells us about: Dad bought Pete pencil. Vera has a folder and clay. The doll was bought for Lena. [5, p. 58] (fig. 2) Fig.2. V. Goretskij, p. 58