Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1 (17) 2016

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(17), февраль 2016 г . 105 История школьного учебника Е . Ю . Ромашина Тульский государственный педагогический университет им . Л . Н . Толстого СЕМЕЙНЫЕ СТРАНИЦЫ БУКВАРЯ КАК ПОМОЩНИК СОЦИАЛЬНОГО РАБОТНИКА Статья посвящена букварю как одному из средств работы с ребенком из неблагополучной семьи . Книги для первоначального обучения грамоте могут быть эффективным помощником социального работника . На их страницах , ребенок может увидеть модели семейных отношений , с которыми он не знаком в реальной жизни . Тексты и иллюстрации способны показать ему , что такое « нормальная » семья , какие социальные функции она выполняет , каковы отношения членов семьи и т . д . Ключевые слова : букварь , азбука , иллюстрация , образ , семья , социальная работа E. Yu. Romashina Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University (Tula, Russia) FAMILY PAGES IN THE ABCBOOK AS AN ASSISTANT FOR SOCIAL WORKER The article is devoted to one of the techniques of working with a child from a dysfunctional family. It is the work with the help of books for initial literacy. Primer can be an effective means of intervention in the problem family. On its pages, the child will see a model of family relations, with whom he does not know in real life. Texts and illustrations show him what is a family, what social functions it performs, what is the relationship of family members, etc. Keywords: primer, illustration, image, family, social work. In today's information space textbook for initial literacy there is in any house. Any family knows with its texts and visuals even if it's a problem family, and adult family members give the child a little time or quite do not communicate with him. Nevertheless the primer anyway regularly come to the attention of all members of the family. It repeatedly transmits the individual and the family a framework of values, meanings, moral norms and behaviors. Texts and visuals of primer are not advertising, they are not too aggressive. They do not impose on us one or the other way of thinking, but a certain image is formed in our subconscious gradually. So, a primer can be a powerful tool for work, including the formation of a child's ideas about family and family relationship, which may, in real life he does not see. What is a family? What social functions it performs? What family can be considered as an ideal? Are there the ideal families really? What is the relationship of family members? How do social roles are separated in the family? How resolve the conflicts arising in the family? Are there any «hot spots» in the modern family relations? A child, who lives in a problem family, can not find answers to these questions in real life or his vision of a family is deformed depending on the situation.