Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1(13). 2015

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им. Л. Н. Толстого № 1 (13), март 2015 г. 132 http://www.travelglossary.ru/knowledge/files/sovremennoe_sos.doc (дата обращения: 24.04.2014). 13. Туризм дает устойчивость экономике при любых катаклизмах Ŕ глава Бурятии [Электронный ресурс] // БайкалФинанс: [сайт]. URL: http://baikalfinans.com/ekonomika/turizm-daet-ustoychivost-ekonomike-pri-lyubyih- kataklizmah-%E2%80%93-glava-buryatii.html (дата обращения: 28.12.2014). 14. Хуусконен Н.М., Глушанок Т.М. Практика экскурсионной деятельности. СПб.: Герда, 2006. 208 с. O.A. Chalyava SOCIO-CULTURAL AND LEGAL BASIS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL TOURISM The article is devoted to actual industry such as tourism, especially cultural tourism. The author considers the essence of the concept of tourism leads researchers working in the same direction. Examines the history of the emergence and development of tourism. The author analyzes factors, forms and types of tourism. Considering the socio-cultural and legal basis for the development of cultural tourism. The author proposes to delineate the statutory status of religious tourists and pilgrims. Keywords: cultural tourism, educational tourism, religious tourism, pilgrimage, forms and types of tourism, socio-cultural Foundation of the development of tourism, cultural tourism as a means of intercultural communication.