Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 3(11). 2014

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 3 (11), октябрь 2014 г . 98 4. Ильин Е . П . Мотивация и мотивы . СПб .: Питер , 2000. 265 с . ( Мастера психологии ). 5. Фетискин Н . П ., Миронова Т . И . Социально - психологическая диагностика личности и группы . М .: Изд - во Ин - та психотерапии , 2002. 337 с . Gadzhieva Kh.N., Shalaginova K.S. FORMATION PROFESSIAL MOTIVATION OF STUDENTS The article presents the experience of working with students in developing the professional - students motivation. Based on the analysis of studies in recent years, as well as their own experience proved that a high level of professional motivation of students is one of the main conditions for effective training in high school and subsequent career. Results of empirical research career orientation of the person graduates allowed to allocate and justify the main areas of work for the formation of future professionals a holistic attitude to his career. Keywords: motivation, professional activity, student age, professional motivation.