Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2(10). 2014

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 2(10), июнь 2014 г 67 Ye.N. Chesnova, Ye.G. Yakimova, Ye.Yu. Martyanov QUASIRELIGIOUS AND ESHATOLOGICAL BASIS OF ETHICS STALINISM The article discusses the ethics of Stalinism, taken in the context of the analysis of its foundations. The authors refer to the history of the development of ethics in the Soviet Union, as a scientific discipline. The article analyzes the ethical categories modifications characteristic of Stalinism ethics: duty, goodness, evil, good, conscience, fear, guilt, and so on. The article analyzes the term "quasi", "pseudo" applied to the ethics of Stalinism to characterize the relation of secular and religious. In the article the characteristic quasi-, pseudoreligious and eschatological components of ethics Stalinism. Keywords: ethics, the cult leader, duty, good, evil, benefit, conscience, quasifaith, quasireligious, eschatological mood and representation, eschatological hysteria .