Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 2(10). 2014

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 2(10), июнь 2014 г 10 13. Шубарт В . Европа и душа Востока / пер . с нем . М . В . Назарова , З . Г . Антипенко . М .: Эксмо , 2003. 378 с . 14. Юрков С . Е . Проблемы современной этики и Л . Н . Толстой // Известия ТулГУ . Гуманитарные науки . 2011. Вып . 1. С . 92-100. N.L. Bogomazova MORAL AND ETHICAL CONCEPT OF JAPANESE CULTURE IN THE CONTEXT OF PROBLEMS EAST - WEST This article is an etimologo - cultural analysis of the notion of duty in Japanese culture. The study begins with a cross- cultural analysis of the East and the West on the issue of man's relationship to the past , then the author considers polysemic concepts debt and formulated the concept of the moral and ethical duty , which is a characteristic feature of the Japanese mentality . At the end of a table - a diagram of categories of debt obligations of the Japanese man. Keywords: moral and ethical concept , the system of debt relations , Japanese culture , mentality, cultural and historical process philosophy .