Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1(9). 2014

ГуманитарныеведомостиТГПУим . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(9), февраль 2014 г . 75 ориентаций будущего учителя в процессе педагогической подготовки в вузе . Тула : ГрифиК , 1998. 301 с . T.M. Ponomareva THE SPECIFICITY OF DESIGNING OF INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTSOFHIGHERESTABLISHMENTSWITH THE PURPOSE OFDEVELOPMENTOFTHEIRPROFESSIONALTHINKING The article discusses design features independent work of students of pedagogical high school in the study of the subject "Education" in order to form aksiologicheskogo, operationally and cognitive components of pedagogical thinking. Specificity of content independent of future teachers modules "Introduction to teaching. History education and pedagogical thought," "research pedagogy", "Practical pedagogy" depending on the learning objectives and content of themodule. Keywords: з edagogical thinking, the components of pedagogical thinking, independent work of students, the types of tasks for independent workof students.