Гуманитарные Ведомости Выпуск 1(9). 2014

ГуманитарныеведомостиТГПУим . Л . Н . Толстого № 1(9), февраль 2014 г . 60 10. Орлов А . А . Развитие профессионального мышления будущего учителя в вузе : монография . Гродно : Изд - воГрГУ , 2011. 230 с . A.A. Izvolskaya VALUABLE RELATION TO PEDAGOGICAL KNOWLEDGE AS A FACTOROVERCOMINGCOGNITIVEDIFFICULTIESSTUDENTS1COURSE The article discusses the problem of the valuable relationship to pedagogical knowledge, shows the specifics of the process of learning pedagogy at the present stage, the typology of cognitive difficulties for first-year students, the results of working with first-year students to overcome thedifficultiesofdifferent typological groups. Keywords: educational process, pedagogical education, pedagogical knowledge, the first-yearstudent, cognitivedifficulties.