Гуманитарные Ведомости. Выпуск 4(8).2013

Гуманитарные ведомости ТГПУ им . Л . Н . Толстого № 4 (8), декабрь 2013 г . 114 small Orthodox church in Pskov region. I ve met him on the conference in Moscow in 2011. He spoke about the social service of ROC, and in particular, on problems that exist in the modern parish clergy of ROC MP, the ones that are associated with total dependence of the parish prists and the parish as whole from the ruling bishop. This create a significant obstacle to social ministry, including RE, of the orthodox prists. Based on the personal experience Pavel Adelgeim showed how he initiated and brought about some social projects in the past twenty years and how it had been systematically destroyed by the diocesian bishop. First of all his school for children by the church.I am speaking about him in past time. He has been knifed on 5 August by one creazy jung man. So intelligent Person, and he is gone. My reaction was to find in Internet what I can about him, his interviews and his sermons. I ve got a real religious education. I can hardly remember myself, when I was so involved into the Word of GOD. What for to create so many problems in public schools of poly-confessional society, when there is so simple, but so natural way to learn the word of God-to go to Church. The international experience shows, that the mandatory character of the religious instruction in public schools is not the basic reason to achieve the goals of religious education. The necessity of religious education is beyond any doubt. The question is, what should be included into religious education and who can realize it. As a feedback to the globalization, the state is trying to use traditional religions to protect its cultural identity, thus limiting the rights of other confessions. In this situation religion acquires new forms of its social expression, as if becoming the symbol of national and cultural identity. It is not so important which model is established. The most important is the state’s real neutrality and activity on freedom of conscience, the less politization of religious institutions, and the respect and love of parents to their children. Мирошникова Е . М . РЕЛИГИОЗНЫЙ ПЛЮРАЛИЗМ И ОБРАЩЕНИЕ С РЕЛИГИОЗНЫМИ МЕНЬШИНСТВАМИ В РЕЛИГИОЗНОМ ОБРАЗОВАНИИ ( ВЫСТУПЛЕНИЕ НА МЕЖДУНАРОДНОМ КОНСОРЦИУМЕ ПО ПРАВУ И РЕЛИГИИ ( АВГУСТ , 2013 Г ., РИЧМОНД , США ) В центре широкой дискуссии о религиозном образовании , прежде всего , стоит вопрос о публичном статусе религии . Я обращаю внимание на религиозное образование в государственных школах и не рассматриваю в данной статье подготовку специалистов в религиозных образовательных заведениях . Решение проблем религиозного образования в государственных школах требует изучения , в первую очередь , правовых основ его реализации .