Время науки - The Times of Science

Hares Saiq Харес Саик 50 №4 Fig 4. Gender Equality in Education Investments in power generation in the Afghanistan Republic between 2012 and 2017; a draught strategy for agricultural growth in the country until 2020; a draught concept for environmental protection in the country until 2017; a medium-term tourism development plan until 2017; and a draught strategy for agricultural growth in the country until 2020; Women and men face substantially different health concerns, as was established during the early stages of developing gender statistics based on biological and social characteristics [23]. Both sexes have distinct healthcare needs as a result of their disparate lifestyles. Women and men are affected by a variety of factors, including disease prevalence and the ability to prevent and treat disease [24]. As one of the greatest maternal mortality countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the countries also has one of the region’s highest rates of child mortality (according to the NSC, in 2012 it was 49.1 per 100,000 children born alive; for comparison, in Sweden, this figure does not exceed 3.0). In 2012, 52.8 percent of all women of reproductive age in Afghanistan were anaemic, indicating the prevalence of pregnant anaemia. Life expectancy also varies by gender, with males living an average of 8–12 years less than females. Male drunkenness has an eightfold effect on females, according to this data. In the United States, about four times as many men as women die of natural causes or suicide while still in their prime working years. Male disability rates are 19% higher than female disability rates due to work-related injuries, while male disability rates are 18 times higher due to professional disease. Males die from tuberculosis at a rate 2.6 times that of females. Girls and women have fewer opportunities to participate in sports than men do, as the majority of sports facilities and organisations are geared toward male interests. As a result, women and men have distinct roles in society, possess distinct resources, and are impacted differently by politics and other events. If inequalities between men and women are not adequately addressed in the political process, the current system of inequality may persist or worsen.