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Hares Saiq Харес Саик 48 №4 health care and education for women may contribute to these results. GDP decreases when more people become involved in economic management and the economy, whereas GNI has a little impact on GDP. When there is a relationship between GDP and inequality, gender has a negative effect on GNI. A correlation coefficient of 0.98 suggests a strong association between women’s life expectancy and the GNI index. The GDP of the Afghanistan Republic and the educational attainment of women are positively associated, with a correlation index of 0.91. Between GNI and educational attainment, this group of persons appears to have a substantial correlation. According to econometric models, a 1% increase in this index results in a $345 increase in GNI. As a result, as our society grows more equitable, it becomes more prosperous, and as a result, individuals become active in gender equity. Inequality increases a society’s commitment to globalisation while reducing its capacity to manage crises [18]. Gender equality is a Contentious Issue Gender equality is a concept that refers to men and women being treated equally. Gender equality seeks to achieve equality of position for both sexes. Women and men should therefore be treated equally in the workplace, have equal access to all human rights, and have equal opportunity for advancement in the economy, politics, and society. Not only do women and men have equal rights, but they also have equal access to and opportunities to use those rights. Due to gender inequality, both women and men are unable to reach their full potential in society [19]. Gender disparity has a detrimental influence on the well-being and social development of people by impeding economic progress and prosperity through effective utilisation of human resources. In terms of economic efficiency, the disparity between men and women is significant.  Limits human potential and diminishes the joy of live.  Economic growth is stymied.  Injures the political process.  Efficiencies in development and poverty alleviation are dwindling. According to Rigg and colleagues [20], gender equality (inequality) has a substantial impact on the United States. In this context, American writers make a distinction between decision-making approaches. In France, Greece, and Slovenia, women and men enjoy varying degrees of decision-making authority. The majority of government leadership positions are held by men, with only a few held by women. Women make up an embarrassingly small number of workers in historically male-dominated professions (such as education, culture, and social welfare). British scholars have likewise established that economic engagement in society is unequal. Men and women have varying tasks, engage in varying economic activities, hold varying positions, and earn varying wages as a result of their gender roles and obligations. Men and women cannot work together, even in countries where women have retained their place in the workforce. In Afghanistan, and the CIS republics, a diverse range of employment