Время науки - The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of science 2021 47 gender disparities in connection to economic growth.It is included in the UN’s “Human Development Report” (UN, http://hdr.undp.org/en/2018) . We calculated the Human Development Index Adjusted for Inequality using GDP and GNI per capita as indicators of Afghanistan’s economic health and these two indices as indicators of gender equality, according to UN data (IHDI). A link was discovered between women’s life expectancy and the percentage of women with at least a secondary education in the Afghanistan Republic throughout the same time period (percent in age 25 and older).Using index data from 2015–2017, we assessed Afghanistan’s progress toward gender equality and economic development. (See Figs. 2 and 3). Fig 2: Gender equality status in Afghanistan Fig 3. GDP and GNI for Afghanistan According to an investigation, there is a 0.34 correlation between gender development indices and Afghanistan’s GDP. The Gender Inequality Index (GII) and the GNI have a correlation of 0.784. GDP appears to have a negative link with gender inequality and gender progress in a country. Inadequate access to