Время науки - The Times of Science

Hares Saiq Харес Саик 46 №4 term economic development occurs. Thus, economic development contributes to economic dynamics while also serving as a barometer of economic success. Certain types of economic growth are not synonymous with genuine growth; if genuine growth is accompanied with the degradation of fixed assets, a reduction in worker quality and qualifications, and a decline in health and living standards, the economy will eventually collapse and deteriorate. Economic growth can be viewed as a multi-factor process within the economic system’s reproduction framework, as it incorporates both exogenous and endogenous components. This category includes welfare and national wealth, as well as changes in the state’s economy as a result of dynamic quantitative achievement and qualitative changes. Economic structural reforms benefit both output and human capital. Economic development improves in quality as a post-industrial society ages. Investments in people as producers and consumers of all sorts of material and spiritual wealth necessitate an equivalent increase in information in order for the economy to flourish efficiently in this manner. Economic transformations will be profound as a result of this reorientation of educational and research priorities in critical sectors of the economy. Numerous variables affect social reproduction, including the rate of economic change and the type of economic growth [17]. This strategy enables the observation of economic growth. The economic literature has explored some of the factors that influence on economic growth, including GDP growth, production resources, economic growth drivers, and some of the most fundamental aspects of growth potential. Numerous schools and trends have addressed these issues, examining the impact of numerous variables on economic development in specific historical eras and geographic locations, as well as the most rational ways to combine them and identify new sources of growth. Due to the unstable economy, low growth, inflation, and a decline in investment flow, among other issues, these circumstances amplify the negative influence on economic growth of numerous underlying causes, making it impossible to forecast the state’s long-term development. As a result, implementing the country’s economic and social development objectives and goals becomes more challenging. It is impossible to exaggerate the critical nature of fast, accurate, and continuous socioeconomic monitoring and management. Another critical step is to select the monitoring goal that most accurately reflects the actual condition. The term “equality” is used in this study to refer to it. Afghanistan’s economic and gender statistics are inextricably linked In 1958, psychotherapist Robert Stoller raised the question of gender equality and economic growth in Afghanistan for the first time, but there are other moving components to consider. Notably, until the 1970s and 1980s, when foreign works began to appear in Soviet psychology, the subject of gender was underrepresented. Soviet psychology began investigating them in terms of “gender differences” only in the 1990s. These research paid insufficient attention to the gender implications of possible labour use and the strategies of resolving