Время науки - The Times of Science

Hares Saiq Харес Саик 44 №4 Literature Review Human development demonstrates, as Pearse and Connell point out, that economic growth is necessary but insufficient for raising living standards. In all production interactions, there has been a trend away from heavy manual labour toward mental and creative labour dominance. State initiatives should focus on driving workplace transformation and fostering economic growth. Social policy alone is incapable of developing an individual’s abilities and potential. The topic of gender imbalance in the workplace is receiving increased attention. When the UN launched, He for She in 2015, the initiative garnered billions of social media likes. This is contradicted by The Economist, a reputable publication, which notes that as women become more in demand in the workforce, men’s support needs decrease. According to researchers such as M. Neumann and S. Lathem [9], gender equality is critical for social justice and the equitable distribution of wealth and resources. Gender equality, according to Pettit and Hook [10], is a critical component of a three-dimensional model of civilization development that adheres to the principles of constancy (rather than the two-dimensional model, based on the ecological and economic dimensions). The population of Afghanistan has consistently exhibited a real desire to develop gender equality, resulting in continuous socioeconomic improvement. Throughout the second decade of the 1990s, research has concentrated on formulating and implementing gender policies and ensuring equal rights and justice for women and men. Since the turn of the century, there has been an increase in the study of gender’s influence on social and economic development. There is a dearth of comprehensive research on the relationship between gender equality and societal transformation. A varied range of activities must be conducted to progress society and the economy. Adams and Miller [11] have mandated gender equality as a social norm as a key indicator of social progress since the turn of the twenty-first century. According to Smith-Doer, Vardi, and Kroisant’s study [12], ensuring gender equality has emerged as a critical priority for the twenty-first century’s global progress. Equal legal status and implementation opportunities for men and women are defined by the authors as “gender equality,” which enables men and women to engage equally in society’s diverse sectors. According to Williams and George-Jackson [13], this is the bedrock of women’s and men’s equal rights: the absence of privileges or restrictions based on sex or gender identity.