Время науки - The Times of Science

Полянская Т. В. T. V. Poljanskaja 22 №4 Tatjana V. Poljanskaja Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University Faculty of Arts, Social and Human Sciences (graduate student 2th year) Regional Centre «Razvitie» (Development): activity analysis Annotation: The article describes the activities of the Regional Centre «Development» («Razvitie»), the purpose of which is prevention of social orphanhood and development of family forms of the device, post boarding school adaptation and social support of children-orphans and children left without parental care, support positive parenting. The article describes in detail the structure of the centre and its branches: emergency social assistance and organisation of post- residental support (including social hotel), assistance for families and children, informational-analytical and organizational-methodical work. Key words: social centre, family, children, minors, orphanhood, social assistance, post-residental support Аннотация: В статье описывается деятельность социального Регионального центра «Развитие», целью которого является предотвращение социального сиротства и развитие семейных форм устройства, адаптация выпускников после школы, социальная поддержка детей-сирот и детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей, поддержка позитивного воспитания. В статье подробно описывается структура центра и работа его подразделений: экстренная социальная помощь, организация проживания детей в центре (социальный отель), помощь семьям и детям, информационно-аналитическая и организационно-методическая работа. Ключевые слова: социальный центр, семья, дети, несовершеннолетние, сиротство, социальная помощь, социальная поддержка. egional Centre «Development» is functioning in the Ministry of Labour and social protection in Tula region. The Centre is responsible for social services for families with children, minors, people in difficult situation, people who want to take care of orphans. The aims of centre are to strengthen families and family values, the development of family capacities in Tula region. The priorities of the centre is the prevention of social orphanhood and social distress of the family, development of system of arrangement of children-orphans and children without parental care, postinternatnoe support for graduates of orphanages. The staff of the centre provides social services assistance in the protection of the rights and legitimate interests, group and individual psychological and educational counseling, remedial and developmental classes in the form of service at home and semi-permanent form. The centre provides support to families and children in difficult life situation. R