Время науки - The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2017 21 •Also ‘’Women's health’’ program. It exist for raising the level of women`s knowledge about their health. •And so on. The statistics. Table 1. Orientation 2014 2015 2016 2017 The number of people who turned to the centre 1501 1842 1901 1861 The number of people who are living in the crisis apartment 23/29 19/15 23/19 10/16 The number of families who services in the centre 265/363 children 250/326 children 268/386 children 179/248 children The number of orphans 30 24 19 16 The number of pregnant women 17 19 22 18 The number of visits of mobile teams 80 113 125 102 The number of calls to the helpline 489 722 558 268 The number of cases of abusive treatment 75 123 169 55 People come to the crisis center in different ways. For example, Tatiana, a 23-year-old young mother, came in the centre by accident. Her child needed a stroller. Tatiana's husband found it at a fundraiser of the Crisis center. Tatiana went to pick up this stroller. The center staff noticed the battered body of a young mother and offered her help. She agreed. It turned out that Tatiana`s problem was not only systematic beatings of her husband, but the financial inability and unwillingness to be a mother were her problems too. In addition, Tatiana was afraid to talk about their problems even to her parents. The crisis centre has provided her psychological, social, legal assistance, helped her to get relationships better with her parents. The young mother has become more confident. This story's not over, but we hope for a good ending. References 1. Кризисный центр помощи женщинам. Официальный сайт. - URL: http://www.kriziscentr71.ru 2. Мильшин, А.О. Социальные аспекты профилактики насилия в семье // Сервис plus. Научный журнал. – 20110. - №4. – С. 14-19. 3. Чёрствая, О.Е. Просвещение населения как направление деятельности автономной некоммерческой организации «Кризисный центр для женщин»// Вестник Томского государственного педагогического университета. – 2010. – Вып.10. – С.131-135. 4. Черствая, О.Е. Современное состояние деятельности российских некоммерческих организаций по сопровождению женщин// Проблемы развития территории. – 2012. – Вып.3. – С.76-83. Окорокова Анна Липовая Полина