Время науки - The Times of Science

Окорокова А. В. A. V. Okorokova Липовая П. А. P. A. Lipovaja 20 №4 The Crisis centre for women helps to prevent these social problems. Different types of people can apply in this Centre. The categories of people: •women and underage children, who were subjected to different forms of violence; •pregnant women including pregnant teenagers and young mothers till 23 years; •women in crisis (it means the period before divorce/divorce/the period after divorce; alcohol or drug addiction; loss of employment; loss of relatives, property division, and so on and so forth. •and even men who are in a difficult situation can apply in this centre. In accordance with the problems, people can be provided with different types of assistance : •Social and domestic assistance (it means the provision of temporal accommodation, the help of mobile team). • Social and medical assistance includes free treatment in a hospital; treatment of alcohol addiction; accompany to a hospital. • Social and psychological assistance (for example, consultation before abortion or free psychological support). • Social and pedagogical assistance. It means consultation on the education issues; organization of different events). • Social and legal assistance (for example assistance in the preparation of different claims, assistance in taking of housing queue). The informational and campaign materials The general information booklet The booklet “How to love a child” The booklet «Chance for couple» Also there are many programs for different people in this centre. For example: • “Mothers and Daughters” (It provides comprehensive support for pregnant teenagers and young mothers). •Confrontation to domestic violence (It changes attitudes to domestic violence and women's position in the modern family).