Время науки - The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2017 19 Anna V. Okorokova Polina A. Lipovaja Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University Faculty of Arts, Social and Human Sciences (4th Course of Study) The Crisis centre for women (Tula): activity analysis Annotation : The article deals with one social organization in Tula. It is The Crisis centre for women. The text gives an information about a lot of social problems, different types of people who can apply in the centre and about types of assistance for these people. The article gives a detailed analysis of a case, which happened with a client of The Crisis Centre. To sum up the statistics is showed effective work at the end of article. Key words: The Crisis centre for women, social centre, social problem, types of social assistance, case. Аннотация: В статье рассматривается одна из социальных организаций Тульской области - ГУСОН ТО «Кризисный центр помощи женщинам». В тексте содержится информация о социальных проблемах и различных типах людей, которые могут обратиться в Центр за помощью. В статье также приведен анализ кейса одного из клиентов Кризисного центра. Отмечается, что статистика показывает эффективную работу кризисного центра с различными категориями населения Тулы и области. Ключевые слова: Кризисный центр помощи женщинам, социальный центр, социальная проблема, социальная помощь, кейс. here are a lot of social organization in Tula. Among them The Crisis Centre for Women is. It was founded in 2013 by the Ministry of labour and social protection. The centre has two branches: •the Department of social protection (It includes the following services: the emergency service (It means hotline and mobile team) and the family counseling service); •the inpatient Department of social rehabilitation. The main purposes of this centre are the implementation of government measures for the advancement of women, family and children and combating all forms of family violence. Protection, assistance for women and children`s rights are purposes of The Centre too. There are a lot of social problems. Among them: •domestic violence; •newborn abandonment; •adolescent pregnancy and early motherhood; •termination of pregnancy; •a great of rate divorces. T