Время науки - The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2017 17 3. support for families and individuals in: - solving their self-sufficiency problems, - realizing their own capabilities to overcome difficult life situations [1] . Among these main four directions of the center, we primarily expand on the topic of interaction with disabled children and children with special health needs. There are counseling centers for parents of special children based upon the facilities of the center. Two psychological conversation clubs "Everything is in Your Hands" and "Harmony" are often held [2] . The activities in these child-parent’s clubs are aimed at increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the issues of upbringing, development and social adaptation of children with special needs. What is more, the center has several semi-movable departments, the purpose of which are rehabilitation, self-service training, communication, self-control and behavior at home of children with special health needs. The main directions of work with children wit h special health needs are: - Social and medical rehabilitation; - Socio-psychologicaland pedagogical rehabilitation; - Social and domestic rehabilitation; - Socio-cultural. [3] It is an everyday work of the highly qualified specialists, who pay great attention to the organization of meaningful leisure of children. Very often, in order to enhance health, the classes are held in the gym on simulators. I’d like to notice, that the main feature of semi-movable offices is workshops. These classes contribute to reduce emotional tension, developing fine motor skills and forming interest in research activities, etc. Pedagogical psychologists organize sessions of psychological unloading in the sensory room, trainings, workshops with elements of psycho-gymnastics and art therapy. Another important place in the life of the department is occupied by children's holidays conducted by the employees of the department and various volunteer groups as ours. We ourselves contribute to: - organizing a show of soap bubbles; - organizing cognitive and educational games; - interpreting children's fairy tales. This autumn we helped to organize the children's event "Walking the road of good deeds", where the troupe of actors staged a fairy tale "Vovka in the Far Ended Kingdom", and afterwards began a show of soap bubbles, in which the children themselves could take part. After the event, smiles appeared on the faces of the children, and fear of society was dispelled in the abyss of soap bubbles. Each such event gives an indelible feeling in our hearts, and to our minds, it makes the world seem even kinder and more fabulous. To draw the conclusion, we can say that the Tula Complex Center provides great opportunities for disabled children and children with special health needs for