Время науки - The Times of Science

Волощук Е. И. E. I. Voloshhuk Ковалькова В. Ю V. Ju. Koval'kova 16 №4 Ekaterina I. Voloshhuk Veronika Ju. Koval'kova Тульский государственный педагогический университет им. Л. Н. Толстого факультет искусств, социальных и гуманитарных наук (5 курс) COMPLEX CENTER OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR POPULATION Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются основные методы и направления работы с детьми с ограниченными возможностямина базе государственного учреждения Тульской области «Комплексный центр социального обслуживания населения № 1». Ключевые слова: комплексный центр, дети с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, социальное обслуживание, реабилитация, социальная адаптация, волонтерские отряды, эмоциональное поведение, мелкая моторика. Abstract: the article describes the main methods and directions of work with children with disabilities on the basis of the state institution of the Tula region "Comprehensive Center for Social Services of the Population No. 1". Keywords: complex center, children with special health needs, social service, rehabilitation, social adaptation, volunteer group, emotional tension, motor skills. n Tula there are many social and rehabilitation centers that work with children with disabilities. We want to tell you more about one of these social centers, its functions, objectives and our contribution to the work of this center. Namely, it’s the State institution of the Tula region called "Complex Center of Social Services for Population № 1". There are 4 departments in the center:  Department of Family and Child Care;  A semi-movable department for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities;  Semi-movable social rehabilitation department for the elderly and disabled;  Semi-movable department for the elderly and disabled. The main objectives in that center are: 1. social services for : - the elderly people, - the disabled, - the minors, - people under 23 who left the orphan homes, - the ones left without parental care, - people, who raise this children; 2. social rehabilitation of minors who experience socially dangerous situation or other tight situations; I