Время Науки. 2016. Выпуск 3 - The Times of Science

Guidelines Правила A reproduction of images, audio and video materials from the oth­ er sources (including those taken from the Internet) is required to indicate the source. Authors of the articles are responsible for reproduction of any copyrighted material. They have to obtain permission for its reproduction before the publication; otherwise the editorial board reserves the right to exclude images from the publication or to reject the publication of the arti­ cle. When the author submits the article for publication in the e- journal, he guarantees, that there is no paragraphs from the other authors’ article or text without accurate reference on the sources are used in his arti­ cle. All articles submitted for publication are automatically checked for bor­ rowing from online sources (publications on the Internet). If there are incor­ rect borrowings in the text, the manuscript is returned to the author without peer review. Articles, which passed automatic verification, are transmitted for revision by the members of editorial board and editorial council. In case of absence the specialist in editorial board or council, who is competent in this scientific field, the editor- in- chief is entitled to engage a detached peer- reviewer. All articles will be blind - refereed (i. e. peer-reviewer doesn’t take information about the author and his scientific adviser). The average term of review takes 2 weeks, when the term is up, the author will be notified of ac- ceptance/rejection of an article and also recommendations for revision from reviewers by e-mail. The right of an author is to correct the material accord­ ing to the remarks or to refuse from publication. During submitting the arti­ cles for publication, the editors reserve the right without the consent of the author make proofreading and editorial changes in the article that do not change the basic meaning of the article. Articles are published in the journal according to The Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows the author and other concerned persons to extend this scientific article with ob­ ligatory designation of the authors of the original article and references to the original publications in the periodical science e-journal «Vremya Nauki. The Times of Science». For more detailed information of the requirements and procedure of publication of articles, please refer to «Tula State Pedagogical University Research Journals» (http://tsput.ru/journals) . Questions to Editorial Board and the Editorial Board can ask by e-mail thetimesofscience2014@gmail.com , as well as in the social network "VKon­ takte» (https://vk.com/timescience) . 118 № 3