Время Науки. 2016. Выпуск 3 - The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science • Scientific adviser (if you have): academic degree, title, surname, initials. If your article is prepared with the help of a scientific ad­ viser, you should mention him there. • Contact information of the author (phone, e-mail is not published in e-journal). Contact information is necessary for communication with the au­ thor during the manuscript is reviewed by editorial board. 2. Formatting an article • Abstract (in Russian and English) should be not more than i ooo simbol. • Key words (5-10 words in Russian and English) 3. The main body of the article Citations and sources are followed by Interlinear and endnote refer­ ences. Eormat of references should be in correspondence with GOST (All Un­ ion State Standard) 7.0.5-2008. Interlinear references often are used for explanations and more pre­ cise definitions of author’s thought and also for add information. Sources are followed by Endnotes. They are enclosed in square brackets with the endnote reference sequence number of a source (in a list of references and pages (pages numbering is obligatory in citations of printed sources). Eor example: «Citing text....» [5, С.17]. Bibliographic information about each source has to be full and precise. The description of sources (online-only) has to contain last reference (URL) for the publication (it is not an address of a home page, but it has to be a ref­ erence, which is allowed to pass easily to the text of publication). Endnotes (if any exist) should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals through the text in the body of the article. The superscript font is used for reference number. The list of used and cited references (references endnotes) is placed af­ ter the main text of the article with the headline Bibliography: The list of sources is arranged in alphabetical order. If you have a list of Russian sources as well as foreign sources, the sources in Cyrillic will be given firstly (in alphabetical order) and than in Latin (in alphabetical order too). All tables and figures are embedded within the main text of the article and have sequential numbering and figure legends (an example: Tab. 1. Dynamics of change of demographic indicators. Pic. 1. Distribution of finds in an excavation, 96 . Photo 1. Leventsev palace, currently learning Campus of Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University. Photo by Y. Ivanova, 2014). Images (pictures, photos) are formed in the same way as separate files in jpq and must not exceed 300 ppi. Video and audio materials can be also included in the publication as accompanying material. Audio files in mp3 and video files in .avi, .wmv up to 10 min. are accepted as accompa­ nying material. Video and audio materials are published only in a science e- journal portal (it is placed in science e-journals portal Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University. Video provided by the author as the accompanying material for the article is placed in the official channel of TSPU on YouTube. 2016 117