Время Науки. 2016. Выпуск 3 - The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 113 8. Achstatter, L.C. Climate Change: Threats to Social Welfare and Social Justice Requiring Social Work Intervention // 21st Century Social Justice. 2014. Vol. 1. Is. 1. Art. 4. P. 1-22. 9. Art Journal [electronic journal] / Providence College Art and Art His- tory Department. Providence, 2012-2016. URL: http://digitalcommons.providence.edu/art_journal/ 10. Aidenn: The Liberty Undergraduate Journal of American Literature / Liberty University. Lynchburg, 2015.URL : http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu . 11. Booth: A Journal /Butler University. Indianapolis, 2008-2016. URL: http://digitalcommons.butler.edu/booth/ . 12. The Economist. London, 2010. April 3-9. Vol. 395. № 8676. 86 p.