Время Науки. 2016.Выпуск 2 -The Times of Science

Время науки The Times of Science 2016 65 taking into account the entire set of values and mechanisms of social integration at the old place, the reasons of migration, the path of disintegration, as well as the peculiarities of cultural values and mechanisms of reintegration in a new place [1, p. 40]. The individual work consists of the entire setof methods: psychological, psychoanalytic, sociometric, medico-social, counseling and legal, methods of age psychology. Productive techniques in group work are "self-experience groups", "self-help groups", group psychotherapy, support neighboring communities (in places where migrants live), communities of patriotic character, representing the interests of immigrants. In addition to individual and group work with the migrants themselves, for volunteer it is extremely important to cooperate with the authorities and with the media in shaping policies. In this regard, the promotion of human rights is important, explaining the rights of internally displaced persons [3, p. 254]. Social work of volunteers with migrant families is characterized by the number of features. In the course of this work it is necessary:  to create a tolerant attitude towards migrants, members of the volunteer movement and society in general;  to organize a meeting of volunteers with families in need of support;  gradually introduce volunteers to the family;  to explain to the volunteers the social, legal and psychological aspects of family support;  to develop a plan of cooperation of individual work with the family under the guidance of professionals;  to organize general meetings, where discussed the difficulties encountered by volunteers, determined to overcome them and solve organizational issues. We see the following problems related to the work of volunteers and their families:  insufficient number of volunteers;  lack of young people’s free time, the opportunity to use it at certain times (mostly in the second half of the day), which is inconvenient for families;  unwillingness of many government agencies to cooperate with the volunteers, their help, accompanied by the family. Among the ways of attracting volunteers to work with the families of migrants motivation plays an important role. Motivation of volunteers can be divided into several subgroups:  religious;  social motivation (finding friends forever);  social responsibility (desire to improve people's lives).